October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Is there a good way to have a navigation bar on a static site?

To have the same navigation bar on every page you can: use something like PHP or SHTML use a static site generator manually copy the navigation to every page use client-side JavaScript Are there any other ways? You need to sign in to view this answers

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How to webscrape elements using beautifulsoup properly?

I am not from web scaping or website/html background and new to this field. Trying out scraping elements from this link that contains containers/cards. I have tried below code and find a little success but not sure how to do it properly to get just informative content without getting html/css elements in the results. from

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Radio button not staying checked when I click another components

I wrote the code HTML like this: <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap-icons@1.5.0/font/bootstrap-icons.css"> <input class="add_task_radio" type="radio" name="prior" id="prior-2" value="2"> <label class="add_task_radio_icon" name="prior" for="prior-2" tabindex="1"> <i class="bi bi-check-circle text-light yellow"></i> <i class="bi bi-circle text-light yellow"></i> </label> <input class="add_task_radio" type="radio" name="prior" id="prior-2" value="2"> <label class="add_task_radio_icon" name="prior" for="prior-2" tabindex="1"> <i class="bi bi-check-circle text-light yellow"></i> <i class="bi bi-circle text-light yellow"></i> </label> <input

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Navbar is hiding text when jumping to page content

I am currently working on a project to learn and am very new to this. I ran into this issue: When I use to jump to a header of the page, the title of that header is blocked by the navbar. In this example, when I click ‘Texas’, the title is hidden. How can I

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File uploader works on computer but not mobile

I have coded into my website a file uploader and it works perfectly when used on the computer and a file is uploaded. But when i access the website on my iPhone i am not able to upload anything. The ability to pick what to upload appears but it doesn’t upload anything. Once the file

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how can i convert this qml.webengine app to html 5

https://imgur.com/a/5ncaedR This is a simple little app that just loads webviews for each goggle app Created in qml using qt.webengine, but getting errors on out of date web browser I am not going to update to Qt 6 for a while so i wanted to try to covert this to html not an html expert

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I tried web scraping on this sites but it won't work

it keeps telling me this :the error page These are the two websites: (https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/en/default_reporter.asp) (https://app.convercent.com/en-us/Anonymous/IssueIntake/IdentifyOrganization) I’m attempting to use both static scraping with requests and dynamic scraping with Selenium, but I keep running into an issue where I either get an error page or I can’t extract the necessary elements (like dropdowns with company names)

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Is it possible to have Plotly HTML charts appear within Colab without running the code beforehand?

I recently created a Python script that retrieves recent weather reports from the National Weather Service, then creates some simple Plotly visualizations of temperature and precipitation data. I configured a spare laptop to run this script on an hourly basis and then export the output to Google Drive, thus allowing relatively recent data to appear

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How to get a hoverable (bottom) navigation menu in TailwindCSS

I am trying to build a horizontal bottom menu navbar in TailwindCSS that shows an appropriate div item right above it. The div item should be the same width as the navbar, and aligned with it. Desired effect on hover: https://nl.pinterest.com/pin/615093261639733146/ I have the following minimalist code that shows the effect: <div class="bg-red-50 w-full h-64">Some

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Images not displaying/deploying in Github Pages?

I just added a new section to my website on Github pages. But one specific image just isn’t displaying on the site. It displays locally but not through Github pages. Img code: <img src="./media/calculations.png" style="width: 40%;" class="center"> folder structure (media is a folder): media calculations.png index.html This is the exact same code for all my

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