October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Empty Character issue when using InnerHTML

I create DOM Inner HTML with this code below: var popupVhc1 = L.DomUtil.create('div', 'popup-vhcmap'); tablepopupVhc1 = L.DomUtil.create('table','table table-infopopup',popupVhc1); trpopupVhc1 = L.DomUtil.create('tr','',tablepopupVhc1); tdiconpopupVhc1 = L.DomUtil.create('td','col-1 align-midle bg-popup-gre',trpopupVhc1); infoiconpopupVhc1 = L.DomUtil.create('i','bi bi-car-front-fill text-icon-popup',tdiconpopupVhc1); tdcontentpopupVhc1 = L.DomUtil.create('td','col-6 td-content-popup',trpopupVhc1); tdcontentpopupVhc1.innerHTML += '<b>B 8384 UCR</b><br>'; tdcontentpopupVhc1.innerHTML += 'Moving - 84 Kph - 25<sup>o</sup><br>'; tdcontentpopupVhc1.innerHTML += '24-09-2024 20:38:32'; div.popup-vhcmap { font-size:

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growthladder design and worflow

I want to make a growthladder but I dont know how I set this thing up. It should be a vertical line like a ruler and when you hover over it should scale the timeline and on the right it should shows a picture of the child in that period of time. Can anyone guide

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How to show a grid on the page when an element is being dragged/resized?

I have a page where you can drag/resize boxes to design your own dashboard layout. It has a 12 column format. I want to show the grid lines temporarily when an item is being dragged/resized, so that user has an idea of placement options and columns. How can I show those lines on the page

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Drag-and-drop action is being interpreted as a click, bypassing the confirmation dialog

We’ve got an EF6 MVC3 codeFirst-site. And recently i learned that if you click it, the confirm dialog works fine, but if you click and try to undo it by drag the link somewere and let go, you would assume that the click is cancelled. That works fine on my dev-environment but in production the

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Why Isn't My Complete Case Working Anymore? It Used to Work

I’m stuck with an issue in my Laravel application. My form submission process used to work perfectly, but now it’s giving me issues here is my controller for decline and approved cases <?php namespace App\Http\Controllers; use Illuminate\Http\Request; use App\Models\declinecases; use App\Models\pendingcases; use App\Models\fullfillmentcases; use App\Models\received; use App\Models\RequestOrderModel; use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Session; class CaseController extends Controller { public

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Do file names have any effect on SEO

Do the physical filenames have any effect on SEO? css files html files javascript files image files folder names Thanks! You need to sign in to view this answers

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How to optimize LCP in React + Webpack 5

I’m woking on a React (v18) project in a Microfrontend architecture with Single-SPA and Wepack 5. I’m running Lighthouse on localhost and I get that the LCP takes too much and that the render is over 95% of the total time. I’ve tried all sorts of things to improve this to no avail: I’ve implemented

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Spring animation is causing ellipsis element to clip

I have a crosshair component in Vue that has a scan animation triggered when its state changes to scan. The problem is that when the ellipsis in the svg containing the scan animation scales above 1, it starts clipping. I’d like the prevent that. It doesn’t clip if I remove mask='url(#mask0_0_1)' on the g element

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How to use .html files not .jsp in spring project?

I created a Spring project, connected the Tomcat server, added the necessary dependencies to pom.xml, and created the configuration files web.xml and applicationContextMVC.xml created the necessary .html file at the location webapp/WEB-INF/views/. When the server is started, the information is displayed from the index.jsp file from the webapp package, but I need to get it

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Allow administrator to reset WooCommerce product stock in the frontend

I am adding a button on products in shop page only when admin is connected. This button when pressed will reset product stock to zero (0). Sometimes it can be easier to clean out of stock products from website using products images than searching them with their sku. I made this code based on @LoicTheAztec

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