October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

repeating-conic-gradient treated as simple conic-gradient on chrome print preview?

I have been trying to create a background effect for a certificate design using repeating conic gradient to create blue and transparent rays, using this background value: repeating-conic-gradient(from 0deg at 50% 50%,rgba(0, 203, 254, 1) 0% 1%,transparent 1% 2%), but chrome print preview just treats this as simple conic gradient. is there a way around

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Why don't flex items shrink past content size?

The following input shrink with the browser window, but at some point they stop shrinking and the horizontal scroll bar appears. I feel this this is weird because they don’t have any width applied. <div class="flex w-full flex-col items-start justify-start gap-2 md:flex-row"> <div class="relative flex w-full flex-col items-start justify-start gap-2"> <label class="text-sm font-semibold">Foreground Color</label> <div

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Div scrollbar visual distortion when parent is scaled

I’m creating a web app with React and React Flow. React Flow supports zooming using the mouse scrollwheel, by applying a scale() style property on the content div that encompasses the work area. I’m running into a problem where a child div‘s scrollbar becomes visually distorted whenever I zoom in. It shows endless copies of

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How to change width and height of iframe tag dynamically?

My <iframe> tag contains a chat widget; that chat widget contains a button that shows and hide chat inbox. How do I modify it so that it changes its width and height according to if the inbox is visible or not? HTML <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="en"> <head> <title>Parent Page</title> <link rel="stylesheet" href="style.css" /> </head> <body>

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How to remove styling if the height of the screen less than the element height

I have centered the element by the height of the screen using absolute positioning.However, when the height of the screen is less than the element width, it is cutting the part of the element making its top unreachable. How can I add and remove styling if the height of the screen is less than the

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Input number does not respect step

the input is always showing 4 decimal places. Is there a way to limit it to 2? I’ve tried doing a math.round at the database, I’ve tried using formatting of f2, it does not seem that anything I try will get the thing to limit to 2 decimal places. @page "/" <h1>Counter</h1> <p>Current count: @currentCount</p>

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How to get the loading spinner and the chatbot response in the same line

please could you help me, I was building an interface for my chat bot but it there is an issue, If you look at the image you’ll get it as you can see there are is an empty icon floating, I want it gone this is the console image as well and as for my

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why json file value is not displayed (javascript)

<script> // Fetch JSON data fetch('dat.json') .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { const tbody = document.querySelector('#dataTable tbody'); data.forEach(item => { const row = document.createElement('tr'); row.innerHTML = ` <td>${item.name}</td> <td>${item.age}</td> <td>${item.city}</td> `; tbody.appendChild(row); }); }) .catch(error =>console.error('Error fetching the data:', error)); </script> why json file value is not displayed the code i took from chatgpt i

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Django: Unable to display colors of linked products

I’m having trouble displaying the colors of linked products in my Django template. I have a Product model with a many-to-many relationship with a Color model, and I want to display the colors of the linked products. Here is my view: def product_varient_detail_view(request, pid): # ... colors = [] linked_colors = [] if product_variant.color.exists(): colors

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How to remove styling if the heght of the screen less than the element height

I have centered the element by the height of the screen using absolute positioning. However, when the height of the screen is less than the element width, it is cutting the part of the element making its top unreachable. How can I add and remove styling if the height of the screen is less than

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