October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a representation style sheet language used for describing the look and formatting of HTML


How to change text spacing in HTML time inputs?

I am making a time range selector, and using Bootstrap. It needs to be a specific fixed with so that it can fit with the other components. I’ve noticed that Firefox renders the text of a type="time" input slightly more spaced out than Chrome does, and that makes the text get cut off The overall

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Why is CSS flex not working when deployed?

I want my page to be divided in two vertically. This works locally, but not on Chrome when deployed (see screenshots), although it does work on Safari. Any help appreciated html <body> <div class="container"> <!-- Left Panel: Project Description --> <div class="left-panel"> <h1>Project Description</h1> <p> Welcome to ... </p> <p> The bot’s core functionality... </p>

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How can I conditionally render AG Grid sidebar without forcing the sidebar to close?

I am trying to make some customization to an AG Grid component in React. I want to change the appearance of the filter tool panel based on whether or not any filters are active. I wrote the following code in my AG Grid component: const filtersApplied = gridRef?.current?.isAnyFilterPresent(); const sideBar = useMemo(() => { return

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Pannellum how to show info texts without having to hover the mouse

I want to be able to modify the texts of an info hotspot in Pannellum’s library. I tried to set the default property in false, or show instead of hidden and even tried the visibility class in CSS but id didn’t work. I’ve been investigating about another library but i coudln’t find. You need to

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Context Menu positioning within scrollable element (angular)

I’m using cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport to display a large list of elements like below <cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport itemSize="115px" class="scrollable-card"> <div *cdkVirtualFor="let project projects"> <app-project-card [project]="project"></app-project-card> </div> </cdk-virtual-scroll-viewport> I have a contextmenu defined in app-project-card component like below <mat-card class="project-card" (contextmenu)="onRightClick($event)"> //other elements inside which are irrelavant </mat-card> <div style="visibility: hidden; position: fixed;" [style.left]="menuTopLeftPosition.x" [style.top]="menuTopLeftPosition.y" [matMenuTriggerFor]="menu"></div> <mat-menu #menu="matMenu"> <button mat-menu-item

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CSS-only masonry layout

I want to use CSS to align a series of images like the image shows. 2 columns, and any number of side by side images. No vertical gaps between the images. And all the images are displayed with the same width (whatever their original size), and the heights are adjusted to keep the original aspect

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background-cover not working for ONLY ONE div on IOS

Despite having the SAME EXACT STYLE, the 2nd div just will not display the full rainbow gradient image on mobile and I really don’t understand why. I want the gradient in the bottom box to be identical to the one on the top, instead of randomly stopping at yellow. background-cover doesn’t seem to be working,

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