October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a representation style sheet language used for describing the look and formatting of HTML


CSS: wrap text in existing html site around polygon (OBS browser)

I want to implement an existing chat URL (https://chat.restream.io/embed?token=bebb117e-81d4-4394-9901-0c644ac2ee51) into a stream via OBS Studio’s internal browser. Instead of being rectangular, I want the text to wrap around a polygonal shape, basically a triangle in the bottom left corner. As you can see in the source code, there are a lot of classes that could

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Layout Overflow in my WEB Page of About US: Resolving Extended Page Width Beyond Content Area in Web Page of ABOUT US PAGE

Part 1: Problem Overview In the About Us page of the project, after the "Let’s create something together" section, there is a visual issue with the layout. Specifically, the page’s width extends beyond its intended limit, and the height of the page continues to grow unnecessarily. The div containing the text and the "Email me"

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TailwindCSS – avoid purge of generative classes

I would like to prevent Tailwind from purging some classes. They are generated in the component eg. className=`text-${size}` Tailwind does not know it will result in text-sm, text-base and text-lg even if size variable is a union of type Size = "sm" | "base" | "lg"; Is it possible to achieve that without using full

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Div around a table with overflow-x-auto (bootstrap) but the whole page becomes scroll able

I’m using Blazor, where I have a Component to load a seperate Table (with options to search and use sorting). I have a div around my table with class overflow-x-auto, but it still makes the whole page go out of the screen. I’ve also tried to set it via style="overflow:scroll;", I have tried it via

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Vega-Lite: Add custom inline CSS for each mark item

In my React app, I would like to render an SVG-based chart with Vega-Lite where each mark can be customized to get its own inline CSS? But the CSS is different for each item (the view-transition-name). Something like a function that is being called for each item to customize the rendered output. Is that even

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Custom infinite scroll not working properly on Safari when adding elements to the top of the scrollbox

I’m building an application with an infinite scroll schedule feature which works fine on Chrome and Firefox, but not Safari. Implementation: When I initialize the page, I load the current month and surrounding months. As the user scrolls I use an intersection observer to detect when a limit is near to render an additional month.

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Responsive Design – CSS Element Disappears once width goes to 480px no matter how much I style it not display

I have a website I’m working on the responsive design. When the width is at 481px the element displays (see screenshot) When the width drops to 480px the element disappears. I keep styling it to display by moving the button under it down more to give it more room to actually display. (see screenshot attached)

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One flex/grid item sets the size limit for siblings

I have this JSFiddle: https://jsfiddle.net/jamesdaniels_passle/xcyL4jne/3/ I’m trying to get the svg’s size to respond to the adjacent text, but I’m struggling to work it out. I want the height of the curly-brace/SVG to match the height of the text. <div class="container"> <svg viewBox="0 0 5 18"> <text x="-2" y="12" font-family="'Goudy Bookletter 1911', serif"> { </text>

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How to change text spacing in HTML time inputs?

I am making a time range selector, and using Bootstrap. It needs to be a specific fixed with so that it can fit with the other components. I’ve noticed that Firefox renders the text of a type="time" input slightly more spaced out than Chrome does, and that makes the text get cut off The overall

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Why is CSS flex not working when deployed?

I want my page to be divided in two vertically. This works locally, but not on Chrome when deployed (see screenshots), although it does work on Safari. Any help appreciated html <body> <div class="container"> <!-- Left Panel: Project Description --> <div class="left-panel"> <h1>Project Description</h1> <p> Welcome to ... </p> <p> The bot’s core functionality... </p>

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