October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a representation style sheet language used for describing the look and formatting of HTML


CSS textarea Increased Line Height for newlines

When the user inputs a textarea, a line break due to wrapping looks the same as a line break due to the user entering a newline. I want the first line after a newline character to be spaced a bit further down than wrapped lines are spaced. The idea is that the user is typing

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Disabling p:first-of-type

I am seeing a weird phenomenon on one of my Joomla sites that appears to have the behavior of a p:first-of-type or p:nth-of-type styling where the first and second paragraphs in an article have different font sizes. This only appears to happen on mobile devices where an otherwise un-styled "p" ends up rendering with a

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How to make font-size relative to parent div?

I have different containers of different sizes and they are all dynamic in size. All containers have text inside them. I want all text in all containers to be at the maximum font size the container can support without overflow. I don’t only want to calculate the font-size as a linear function of the container’s

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How to make gradient column in a table?

I would like to have one column in a table have a blue gradient background from top to bottom. As in extending over multiple rows, ten precisely. Essentially like this one but for a column instead of row: https://codepen.io/warkentien2/pen/JxxXvr <table> <tr> <td></td> <td class = "gradient_column"></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td class = "gradient_column"></td> <td></td>

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Carousel as a background in my hero section

How do I use a carousel as a background in my website using html and css? I also want to have texts overlaying the carousel.. I have trying using the url option in adding the background but i can’t link the carousel I would really appreciate your assistance on this. Thank you You need to

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How to make sure my mega menu floats over website content

I’m using Avada Child theme in WordPress and recently started experimenting with Mega Menus on our top navigation. The mega menu works on the homepage, but on other pages it sits "behind" the content. I see a lot of information regarding z-index and absolute/relative positioning. Does anyone have a suggestion on where exactly to enter

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New Filament project Styling not applied correctly

I just created a new filament project, no custom pages. Just added a filament resource ‘customers’ and with some basic textInputs in the form and table: public static function form(Form $form): Form { return $form ->schema([ TextInput::make('first_name') ->label('First Name') ->required(), TextInput::make('last_name') ->label('Last Name') ->required(), TextInput::make('phone_number') ->label('Phone number') ->required(), TextInput::make('email') ->label('Email') ->required(), Select::make('status') ->options(collect(CustomerStatus::cases())->mapWithKeys(fn($case) => [$case->value

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Get hover effect when hovering on text that is over the image

I am trying to get a hover effect when trying to hover over a text that is on top of my image. You can see in this codesandbox that I am trying to scale my image when the cursor is hovering over it, however, I noticed the hover effect does not take place when the

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How to make curved lines inside of div

Trying to make border-rounded div containing curved lines just like the screenshot below. White boxes would be some texts as display:flex applied on that div. Not too sure to make the two curved lines in it. Tried so far.. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <style> body { background-color:#E7E9EB; } #myDIV { height:300px; background-color:#FFFFFF; border: 1px solid

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Size of non-floating element determines if it wraps the floating element

I doubt how non-floating block elements are positioned with respect to floating elements. Let’s consider the HTML code below. The third div is correctly positioned on the right of the two floating divs. <section style="width:150px;"> <div style="float:left; width: 50px;height: 150px;background: pink;border:solid 1px;">3</div> <div style="float:left; width: 50px;height: 150px;background: pink;border:solid 1px;">3</div> <div style="background: cyan;">3</div> </section> If I

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