October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Alert dialog before in-app review launch in Android? Is that accepted?

I am implementing an in-app review flow in Android using Google’s API. I want to know if it is acceptable if I want to have an AlertDialog that is displayed that asks user if they like the app or not and if they say YES, then only I launch the review flow. You need to

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How to Display an Application Window Below Other Windows with SYSTEM_ALERT_WINDOW?

I have used the `WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_APPLICATION_OVERLAY` and `WindowManager.LayoutParams.TYPE_PHONE` attributes to create an overlay for my application. However, I don’t want it to appear above all other windows. Instead, I want it to behave like with the settings window, where it remains underneath other active windows. How can I achieve this? my code: params = new WindowManager.LayoutParams(

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Changing back stack with Multiple back stack BottomNavigation with type safety in Jetpack Compose

I built a multiple back stack navigation sample with bottom navigation but when back is clicked from another tab/navigation app navigates to initial destination of graph instead of last one on back stack. As can be seen on gif Home screen stores states and back stack with save and restore states but when back is

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Link in an Android textView not clickable

I would like to embed a link into a textView. However, the links are not underlined and not clickable. I have the following string resource <string name="info_efficiency_link"> <![CDATA[ • Heat pumps are by far the most efficient heating technology.<br/><br/> • They convert 1 kWh of electricity into 3-4 kWh of heat.<br/><br/> • Ground-source heat pumps

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Ionic Capacitor app shows blank screen on Android 5.1

I have an application I built in Ionic and Capacitor. The application runs well on Android 7+. The application is a point of sale and most devices that are made for Point of Sale are android v5.1. The app shows a blank screen on these devices. Thorough digging shows that the Problem is the webview.

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java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/android/build/gradle/AppPlugin : Unsupported major.minor version 52.0

Following is my code package com.example.kl1 fun main(){ println("Jesus is the WAY,the Truth and,the Life -John 14:6") } I was trying to run above kotline code on androd studio terminal and I got the following error: java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError: com/example/kl1/RockPaperScissorKt has been compiled by a more recent version of the Java Runtime (class file version 55.0), this

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How to impliment licence of android app for user

i devlope app for invoice and accounting i want to implement app purchase option where user get use 1 month for trial and after that purchase app. so where can i save user expiry date of licence? can i save every user expiry date to firebase for use allow subscribe user to run app? i

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Problem in adding GIF in React Native App

I’m trying to display a GIF in my React Native App. I also add animated-gif in android>app>build.gradle. dependencies { // The version of react-native is set by the React Native Gradle Plugin implementation("com.facebook.react:react-android") // For animated GIF support implementation 'com.facebook.fresco:animated-gif:3.1.3' if (hermesEnabled.toBoolean()) { implementation("com.facebook.react:hermes-android") } else { implementation jscFlavor }} But this only shows as

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PlatformException(sign_in_failed, com.google.android.gms.common.api.b: 12500: , null, null)

well I struggled with tis error and tried everything but none worked I manage to solve this problem so I want to tell you all in case someone has the same situation as me, I requested an app signing update and after the update I add the SH1 to my app, and the app was

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how to remove or hide default icon when obscureText is true on flutter

i use Flutter (Channel stable, 3.7.6, on Microsoft Windows [Version 10.0.19042.928], locale en-US) my case is i need to remove default icon on textField when obscureText = true, because i use suffixIcon on decoration input. enter image description here my code like this : Padding( padding: const EdgeInsets.fromLTRB(20, 0, 20, 0), child: TextField( obscureText: _obscured,

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