October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

ThumbnailUtils.createVideoThumbnail() can not get bitmap

I test many file formats for this, e.g. avi、flv、wmv…, but all of this get null bitmap: String aviPath = "xxxx.avi"; Bitmap bitmap = ThumbnailUtils.createVideoThumbnail(aviPath, MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.MINI_KIND); and had log like this: java.io.IOException: Failed to create thumbnail, can’t open xxx.avi。 Is it means that these file formats can’t be supported now? or using it wrong? You need

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React Native application stuck on Expo logo screen after building using eas

I’m facing an issue when building my react native application using eas. The application worked fine without any issue while running with expo normally, but now when building the application in the android emulator the app get’s stuck in this screen. In the Expo build dashboard the building process goes well without any error, so

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While running the app showing this error e: Supertypes of the following classes cannot be resolved. make sure have the dependencies in the classpath

so app is building fine when i am trying to run the app it is showing these errors i have added the dependencies While running the app showing this error e: Supertypes of the following classes cannot be resolved. make sure have the dependencies in the classpath still there is the problem e: Supertypes of

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Bitmap in Kotlin with Jetpack, won't draw the correct size

This has been driving me crazy all day. I have been trying to draw a full screen bitmap as the background for my custom view. The bitmap resolution is 2312×1080 the code right before I draw it shows both my canvas that I’m in and my bitmap are also 2312×1080 (these two log functions). But

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Cannot create .NET MAUI project from Linux Ubuntu

I just became aware that Linux users can create MAUI apps, so I followed the steps listed in these resources: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/educator-developer-blog/net-maui-on-linux-with-visual-studio-code/ba-p/3982195 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4D2vUYUIqFU So far, I have installed all the necessary SDKs for C# and MAUI. I can confirm this by typing dotnet --info And dotnet workload list So, I have all the SDKs and variables

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Android NFC(?) Device to Device Communication- Major failure

need major help, here is what I have tried so far: my goal: App1Terminal: Waits for a mobile device to get in proximity App2Device: Comes in proximity, opens channel with App1Terminal and sends some data App1Terminal: Receives data from App2Device and responds with some level of decision as well as shows decision on its screen

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Could not locate class file for okhttp3.OkHttpClient with ByteBuddy android

previously i asked the question here, got some suggestions from @Rafael Winterhalter. i applied those changes but stuck with new error. this code is working with subclass but I want to replace all the OkHttpClient automatically with bytebuddy. how should I approach this ? here is my code fun setupOkHttpBuilderByteBuddy(context: Context) { val strategy =

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how to create android layout like image?

[! android layout]1 Dear All, I am newer in Android. I am doing android application. I have tried many options. but layout didn’t match like this. Please suggest any solutions. am sharing image. Please help me for layout. I am trying so much but not get exactly solution. Thanks in advance <androidx.cardview.widget.CardView android:id="@+id/card_excel2pdf" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"

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How to make a push notification without using Firebase Cloud Messaging and Android Service

I just wondering that Messenger, Discord, X,… doesn’t need running background service in order to receive push notification. So is there a way that we can do it too? I read some post about not using FCM but a service that fetch http constantly, it’s not a good idea to do that as it could

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Place reference grid over all ImageView

My app has a single ImageView in a LinearLayout. It currently places a photo in the ImageView preserving the photo’s aspect ratio by setting ScaleType.CENTER_INSIDE. This results, correctly, in a display with background color rectangles above or below (or left or right of) the photo. Now, I’d like to place a reference grid over the

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