October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Flickering black screen issue while loading image with Glide Android

I am experiencing a flickering/black screen issue when using Glide to load images in my Android app. There are scenario: I load an image into an ImageView using Glide. After the image is displayed, I’ve put some delay and then I remove the ImageView from the layout and create a new ImageView to load next

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Minor pause between loop transitions with R3 engine when used with ExoPlayer(Android)

I have integrated the Rubberband library with ExoPlayer for pitch and tempo adjustments in an Android project. When using the R2 engine, audio looping works smoothly as expected. However, when switching to the R3 engine(OptionEngineFiner) with looping enabled in exoplayer, there is a minor but noticeable pause between the end and the start of the

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The larger overlay of collapsing banner show on the top of screen

I want to show the larger overlay of collapsing banner on the bottom of screen but it sometimes show on the top of screen. This is Target result but My result. My banner ad loading code: fun loadAd( activity: Activity, adViewContainer: FrameLayout, listener: (AdView?) -> Unit, ) { adView = AdView(activity) adView?.adUnitId = AdKeys.BANNER adSize

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Android app hangs on ProfileInstaller and not starting

I upgraded my pixel 8 to android 15. After the upgrade on each first launch the app gets stuck on: ProfileInstaller com.irvo D Installing profile for com.irvo Then on second launch it works fine again This is my libs.versions [versions] agp = "8.7.1" kotlin = "2.0.21" coreKtx = "1.13.1" junit = "4.13.2" junitVersion = "1.2.1"

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Getting 401 Unauthorized response for Apple Developer API call

I have implemented subscription purchase using Plugin.InAppBilling package and its codes are below. private async void PlanClicked(Object sender, EventArgs e) { UserDialogs.Instance.ShowLoading(""); if (IsBusy) return; IsBusy = true; try { // check internet first with Essentials if (Connectivity.NetworkAccess != NetworkAccess.Internet) return; // connect to the app store api var connected = await CrossInAppBilling.Current.ConnectAsync(); if (!connected)

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Android webview file upload only works once if aborted

Scenario I have an Android app with a WebView. The WebView is displaying a web page with a simple file upload control. The simplified code is: <input id="photoupload" type="file" /> This HTML renders as expected in the WebView, showing a "Choose file" button. Tapping the "Choose file" button will initiate file selection successfully. Problem If

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Flutter serial connection for hc05 bluetooth module?

I want to build a bluetooth app that connect to ardunio with hc05 bluetooth module. I added some packages for bluetooth from pub.dev to build the application. Like flutter_bluetooth_serial: ^0.4.0. When i run the project, it doesn’t run. Can anyone help to how can i use hc05 module to connect to flutter application? You need

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Loading data into my ListAdapter with submitList is blocking my UI thread

I have a RecyclerView with a ListAdapter and my problem is simple, but I haven’t seen a solution anywhere. I have a list of approximately 90 elements and when I load them with the submitList it blocks the main thread. On top of that, I access this fragment from the bottomNav and until I have

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Which Apple Developer API and Google Developer API should I use to check a user's subscription status in a .NET MAUI mobile application?

I am working on .NET MAUI Mobile Application, and I need to check the subscription status of iOS and Android users to ensure access to premium features. The code successfully handles purchasing subscriptions, but I need to check the user’s subscription status through the Apple Developer API. The same way I need to check the

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Nav graph vs Fragment class navigation issue

We’re using nav graph in our application. As an requirement, we’ve a new Fragment class provided by some third party sdk. We wanted that fragment to use when it’s accessible along with nav graph. Will it be possible to handle? While using fragmentManager.beginTransaction().add(R.id.host_fragment, sdkFragment).commit() it’s attached to host_fragment layout, which causing issue. Note that app

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