October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

What is the best way to play audio resources in a car app?

I am currently developing an app that needs to receive notifications with important information. One of these notifications refers to an audio resource, which I play using a MediaPlayer. When testing on real vehicles, I noticed that the audio only plays if the app is in the foreground, but it plays from my phone rather

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Expo React Native Android Emulator Can't Connect to Express Backend

I’m building a React Native frontend with Expo (managed workflow) and an Express backend running locally. My app works fine on the web version (using expo start --web), but when I test on the Android emulator, the frontend can’t connect to the backend. I’ve tried several things, but nothing seems to work. What I’ve Tried

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Try to generate signed app bundle but getting error

Upgrade android project classpath ‘com.android.tools.build:gradle:8.5.2’ Then try to generate signed app bundle, but getting this error now: Execution failed for task ‘:app:packageReleaseBundle’. A failure occurred while executing com.android.build.gradle.internal.tasks.PackageBundleTask$BundleToolWorkAction File ‘root/res/anim/accelerate_decelerate_interpolator.xml’ uses reserved file or directory name ‘res’. You need to sign in to view this answers

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Unable to change Overflow icon color in my Toolbar

In my gradle I’m using material 1.12 acording to various article it is somehow possible to style the threedots icon used as overflow menu for my toolbar (top) this is what I have defined in my style, as you can see I have set various colors to try hit the right one: <style name="App.Theme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight.NoActionBar">

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Where does JS runtime gets executed for Android app created in React Native?

As we know in React Native, the JS runtime is used to execute the JS code. In Android the JS runtime is bundled with the Apk, and the Android system creates a process to run the Apk. My question is: Where does the JS runtime gets executed in the process, does it gets executed inside

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Some feature modules of your app bundle exceed the maximum compressed download size (200 MB). Reduce the sizes of these modules: base

I must upload game to Google Play Console but it shows this error "Some feature modules of your app bundle exceed the maximum compressed download size (200 MB). Reduce the sizes of these modules: base." and when Building this alert saying: "The download sizes of APKs generated from your App Bundle will be 252-252 MB

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Android OAuth 2.0 Client can't verify app ownership

I am trying to verify app ownership in OAuth client in Google Cloud Console -> APIs & Services -> Credentials -> OAuth 2.0 Client IDs. But I get the error "This client is not applicable to verify ownership because it’s not a Google Play Store app", regardless of which Android OAuth client I’m using with

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Flutter app duplicates in recent apps list when opened via push notification

Could someone please help me? My app duplicates in the recent apps list when I open it via a push notification. Here’s what happens: I open the app and then close it by pressing the back button. When I receive a push notification and open the app through the notification, it appears twice in the

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Flutter SQLite connection trouble (for Android)

Doing app for Android.(new on flutter) Trying to connect to already existing SQLite file to project. I have issue with connection, it doesnt connecting to file but init empty new one with same name in drirectory of android (Android/data/com.exemple.android_studio_project). In enternet i have seen only lazy initialization variant. There was some methods to locate file,

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How can I fix this type of issue on Android OS OpenGl Native Crash?

Android os gl renderThread crash .this is track.this is Probabilistic Crash.Maye Be 300~800 count Trigger 1 count Crsah.android os 8.1 version 10-17 16:10:32.453 29480 29514 F libc : Fatal signal 7 (SIGBUS), code 1, fault addr 0x434d5a4b in tid 29514 (RenderThread), pid 29480 (.gvs.touchpanel) 10-17 16:10:32.650 5331 5331 I crash_dump32: obtaining output fd from tombstoned,

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