October 24, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

CANOpenNode stack heap variable resets when a new function is entered

I have integrated CANopenNodeStack with my STM32 FreeRTOs based code . Below is my code

And here is the repository I am using for CANopenNode stack for STM32 https://github.com/CANopenNode/CanOpenSTM32/tree/master

void canopennode_mtr(void* argument) {
    uint32_t ticks = osKernelGetTickCount();

    while (1) {


        // Sleep for 1ms, you can decrease it if required, in the canopen_app_process we will double check to make sure 1ms passed
        ticks += 1;

void canopen_init(void) {
    //Assign CANOpenNode parameters
    CANopenNodeSTM32 canOpenNodeSTM321;
    canOpenNodeSTM321.CANHandle = &hcan1;
    canOpenNodeSTM321.HWInitFunction = MX_CAN1_Init;
    canOpenNodeSTM321.timerHandle = &htim14;
    canOpenNodeSTM321.desiredNodeID = 0x11;
    canOpenNodeSTM321.baudrate = 500;

CANopenNodeSTM32* canopenNodeSTM32; is a variable which gets filed during initialization and its in heap . And this variable resets to 0 when I enter canopen_app_process (canopen_app_processis a function from CANopenNode Stack).
My question is there a obvious reason in freeRTOS for a heap to reset or am I missing something ?
Note : I am not asking specific to CANopenNode Stack , I just wanna understand general reasons for the heap variable reset

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