
Identify classes that could be replaced by one generic class?

Identify classes that could be replaced by one generic ...

Imagine a larger codebase. Is there any tool or functionality built-in in Rider ...

Using RunOaktonCommands in combination with a test using a WebApplicationFactory results in a ObjectDisposedException

Using RunOaktonCommands in combination with a test usin...

I have the following program: public sealed class Program { public static as...

Why primary constructor works in my project based on .NET 4.8

Why primary constructor works in my project based on .N...

From my understanding, primary constructor was introduced in C#12 with .NET 8. A...

serilog.enrichers.callerinfo how format appsettings.json file to show class method and line of code in log

serilog.enrichers.callerinfo how format appsettings.jso...

Does anyone know how I would format an appsettings.json file to use serilog.enri...

In C# DI, is it possible to wrap (replace) a registered service with my own but still keep the old instance?

In C# DI, is it possible to wrap (replace) a registered...

Assuming I have this service registration: services.AddScoped(); I know you can...

Custom attribute isnt found during test collection ordering - xunit

Custom attribute isnt found during test collection orde...

Im running E2E tests with some of the logics written using xUnit (.NET 8, c#) an...

Drag and Drop of Card in Angular Application not working using selenium C#

Drag and Drop of Card in Angular Application not workin...

I am trying to perform drag and drop of card in Angular application using seleni...

Issue with converting a C# project from v4.2 to 8.0

Issue with converting a C# project from v4.2 to 8.0

I've got a C# project that I started 4 or 5 months ago. I started it on Visual S...

Why Do We Have Different Statuses for a Task? [duplicate]

Why Do We Have Different Statuses for a Task? [duplicate]

I refactored part of the code and found an interesting case. Imagine we have the...

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