October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Spring Boot Reactive WebClient – How To Add Custom SSL Host Name Validation

I have am calling another API using WebClient. I have a cert that is being used by API that has a hostname X. However, if I want to make https calls to the API using a different url from the certificate, I correctly get an error. The problem is that I will be using a

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Improving runtime of graph computation

I am using pycel to create a graph of an excel calculation. Essentially I have a cell that performs some calculation: E.g., =AVERAGE(I2:X2) Which in turn is a function of other cells in other worksheets E.g., I2 = sheet2!A1/sheet3!B6 And these cells can be functions of other cells etc. pycel builds a graph of this

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Free GPL AIKO: Instant Plugins AI Developer

  AIKO: Instant Plugins AI Developer Transform your WordPress experience by using our revolutionary new AI powered* plugin – AIKO! Designed for easy use, AIKO empowers you to create new instant custom plugins in a few minutes. For further information, please visit AIKO’s website. * An OpenAI subscription is required to use AIKO and it’s

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Getting an error on my webpage “Can not Get /”

I’m building a web development project and my server is running properly and my application is getting connected to MongoDB as well but when i open the local server in this case i’m using localhost:5001 then instead of getting the desired output i’m getting the text "Cannot Get /" and when i tried inspecting as

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How to fetch parent data and all it's children, then aggregate to array?

Postgres: v12 Link to test: https://www.db-fiddle.com/f/pfnFVhFq1QTxjas6BB4sZv/0 There are transactions table and logs table. logs are linked to transactions by transaction_id. I need to query logs by address, join it with transactions, aggregate logs to array, LIMIT transactions (example is LIMIT 2) and FETCH ALL LOGS that were in that transaction (but query only by one

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Cortex-M loading 32-bit variable optimization

I’m trying to compile the following test code below, that only writes the 32-bits variable into a pointer. I write it once as byte access, and second time as word access. void load_data_8(uint32_t value, void* d) { uint8_t* d_ptr = d; *d_ptr++ = (value>>0)&0xFF; *d_ptr++ = (value>>8)&0xFF; *d_ptr++ = (value>>16)&0xFF; *d_ptr++ = (value>>24)&0xFF; *d_ptr++ =

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Align section heading with the first content item instead of centering in Flexbox layout

I’m working on a section layout where I have a headline and a content container using Flexbox to center the content horizontally. The content container holds several media cards. <section> <h2 class="section-headline">Section Headline</h2> <div class="section-content" style="display: flex; justify-content: center; gap: 20px;"> <div style="border: 1px solid black;"> <h3>Media Card 1</h3> </div> <div style="border: 1px solid black;">

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Unexpected Bottom Padding in Bottom App Bar in Android

Question I’m currently developing an Android application, and I have implemented a Bottom App Bar using the Material Components library. However, when I run the app, I notice an unexpected bottom padding that is affecting the layout of the Bottom App Bar. I’ve tried several solutions to resolve this issue, but none have worked. Here

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restrict user uploading image by 3 files only

im looking if(empty($id)){ $save = $this->db->query("INSERT INTO posts set $data"); if($save && isset($img)){ $id= $this->db->insert_id; mkdir('assets/uploads/'.$id); for($i = 0 ; $i< count($img);$i++){ list($type, $img[$i]) = explode(';', $img[$i]); list(, $img[$i]) = explode(',', $img[$i]); $img[$i] = str_replace(' ', '+', $img[$i]); $img[$i] = base64_decode($img[$i]); $fname = strtotime(date('Y-m-d H:i'))."_".$imgName[$i]; $upload = file_put_contents('assets/uploads/'.$id.'/'.$fname,$img[$i]); $data = " file_path="".$fname."" "; } }

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Real world project structure with .C and .H

So when we make a C program we just need one .C file right? We can include additional C files and H files to our main .C file but I’m not sure what the difference between them is. Why would one create multiple .C files? Couldn’t they just create a bunch of .H files and

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