October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Issue with dynamic SVG rendering from JavaScript

I am foraying back into the world of web development, so there is a good chance that this is something silly I have overlooked. I have been able to dynamically create all the HTML components for the SVG I am trying to create, however the resulting image isn’t displayed in it’s container. My aim is

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How Can I Receive Notifications with Firebase Cloud Messaging in Android?

I’m trying to receive notifications in my Android app using Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM). But it doesn’t work the way I want. I have two devices and I send notifications from one to the other. I get notifications on my second device. However, when I click it, it does not enter the activity I want.

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Cannot make static method Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http::preventStrayRequests() non static in class Illuminate\Http\Client\PendingRequest

I have error in Laravel Cannot make static method Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http::preventStrayRequests() non static in class Illuminate\Http\Client\PendingRequest use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http; public function parse(string $productId): void { $this->productId = $productId; $url = self::DETAIL_URL . $productId; $response = Http::get($url); $json = json_decode($response->body(), true); $this->data = $json['data']['products'][0] ?? []; } You need to sign in to view this answers

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Why does my recursive strlen function return value 4 times bigger?

I’m trying to implement a strlen function in C with recursion and for some reason it’s returning a 4 times bigger value than expected. int *strlen(char *s) { if(*s == '\0') return 0; else return 1 + strlen(s+1); } Interestingly, when I change the type return of the function to "char", I get the desired

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How to flip error with no-error with projectreactor in Java?

I have instance of Mono<MyClass1> It can either have value or be an error. Now I need to convert it to Mono<MyClass2> where error and no-error flipped mono .doMagic( $ -> { if( error ) { return Mono.just( new MyClass2 .. ) } else if( no-error ) { return Mono.error(...) } } Is this possible?

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How to configure PyConfig for embedded interpreter

I have added an embedded python interpreter to a C program using libpython, complete with defining a custom python module that allows access from python to various variables and built-in functions within the program, the idea being to provide a scripting capability. That appears to have been the easy bit: all that is working fine

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Free GPL Bookly Locations (Add-on)

Important: This plugin is an add-on that requires the Bookly PRO plugin. View Bookly page at Codecanyon. Does your company operate in more than one place? Bookly Locations (Add-on) makes it possible to associate staff members and services with different locations, so your clients can pick where they prefer to receive services before they schedule

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Stripe Subscription Renewal Stuck in “Incomplete” Status, No Auto-Renewal or Payment Deduction

I’m using Stripe to handle subscriptions in my application. The initial subscription creation works perfectly, but I’m facing an issue with auto-renewals. When it’s time for the monthly subscription to renew, the status changes to "incomplete", and the payment is not deducted automatically. This results in the subscription not being renewed, and the user ends

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Sum Over Partition duplicate rows

My query to show transaction and receipt amounts by transaction are duplicating the transaction amounts when multiple receipts are applied to it. I’m using select distinct and the sum over partition since a transaction might have multiple lines, and I only want to report the total transaction amount here. select distinct sum (rctl.revenue_amount) over (partition

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Next.js fonts in css stylesheet

I am starting a new project with NextJS (version 14.2.13). I have imported two fonts from google fonts using the following code: ./app/fonts.ts import { Montserrat, Open_Sans } from 'next/font/google' export const montserrat = Montserrat({ subsets: ['latin'], variable: '--font-montserrat', display: 'swap', }); export const open_sans = Open_Sans({ subsets: ['latin'], variable: '--font-open-sans', display: 'swap', }); And

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