October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Remix, Supabase Oauth: OAuth error: AuthApiError: invalid request: both auth code and code verifier should be non-empty

I am trying to implement oAuth (Github in this case) in my Remix.run app using Supabase. This is my signup action: export const signupWithOAuth = async ({ request, provider, }: { provider: 'google' | 'github' request: Request }) => { const { supabaseClient } = createSupabaseServerClient({ request }) const { data, error } = await

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Generate a Series of Numbers

I am trying to generate random serial numbers in PostgreSQL with some conditions. The numbers need to start with the same 3 letters, YAK. After YAK, there needs to be 8 random digits. I only need to do 10 iterations of this. I know I should try to start with generate_series() but can I use

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Radio button not staying checked when I click another components

I wrote the code HTML like this: <link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/bootstrap-icons@1.5.0/font/bootstrap-icons.css"> <input class="add_task_radio" type="radio" name="prior" id="prior-2" value="2"> <label class="add_task_radio_icon" name="prior" for="prior-2" tabindex="1"> <i class="bi bi-check-circle text-light yellow"></i> <i class="bi bi-circle text-light yellow"></i> </label> <input class="add_task_radio" type="radio" name="prior" id="prior-2" value="2"> <label class="add_task_radio_icon" name="prior" for="prior-2" tabindex="1"> <i class="bi bi-check-circle text-light yellow"></i> <i class="bi bi-circle text-light yellow"></i> </label> <input

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Running Android Emulators Using QEMU on Mac Silicon

I want to create an emulator that can open games like clash of clans on mac os that other emulators can’t. I don’t know why but both android studio and genymotion cannot open clash of clans. i can download from the play store but it crashes immediately without even showing up the loading screen. I

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Input for a 2D array by passing it to a function in C

How do I take input to a 2D array by passing that array into another function in C? I have tried it like two for loops containing i and j and proceeding it as arr[i][j] but then it shows an error that j must be a pointer type You need to sign in to view

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How to remove all notifications using Accessibility?

The task is to remove all notifications that the application creates using Accessibility. The app runs in the background and generates a notification Notification notification = null; if (android.os.Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= android.os.Build.VERSION_CODES.O) { notification = new Notification.Builder(this, CHANNEL_ID) .setContentTitle("Service is running") .setContentText("App is performing background tasks") .setSmallIcon(R.drawable.ic_service_icon) .build(); } startForeground(1, notification); ` I’m trying to delete

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How to use timeout in Twitchio?

I tried to give the user to timeout. In the Twitchio.dev documentation, I found that the User class has the timeout_user command, but I don’t understand how to use it. I found the following solution on the Internet: ctx.channel.timeout(ctx.author.name , time, reason) but this does not work because the timeout is not contained in the

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Free GPL WooCommerce Upload Files

The WooCommerce Upload Files plugin is the perfect solution for any online store that sells customizable or personalized products. Our plugin makes it simple for customers to upload files when they make a purchase, ensuring that they can provide all the necessary input for their custom product. Don’t just take our word for it –

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Able to read from google sheet but unable to write to google sheet using Javascript

I’m able to read rows from my google sheet, but unable to write to it (append rows).. That probably means that I’m clear on the whole authentication business right? Below is my code for trying to write to the first two cells of my sheet. I don’t get any error message, I get a message

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Solana API to run security audits on tokens and memecoins?

I am building a dApp on Solana and am part of a trading group, we look to add information about the risks of every Solana token. Similar to token sniffer on Ethereum, a security scan on Solana would be nice. I only found Ethereum security APIs, which API is on Solana for security checks? You

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