October 25, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

How to implement reverse programming with task assignment based on this priority list of items in a Python table?

I need to fix a program with a backward scheduling logic that allows assigning tasks following the priority order in which they appear in the headers of the schedule_table columns. Since this is a backward scheduling approach, the tasks should start being placed from the row of the "Deadline" column where the task to be

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Free GPL Modern Video player Statistics AddOn for WordPress

This addOn requires Modern Video player for WordPress to be installed first! Click image to view demo This is na Addon for Modern Video player which enables you to tracks video statistics. It integrates with plugin directly and enables detailed statistic reports of top video plays, downloads and much more. Features: Track video statistics data

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Threejs remove background area from elliptical cylinder

I have this code that draws an elliptical cylinder, and want to remove the background part and only keep the front half of the elliptical cylinder.. How to go about? setupEllipticShape() { // depths const yRadiusTop = 0.5; const yRadiusBottom = 0.5; // 1.6 const xRadiusTop = this.BOX_DIMENSIONS.value.topWidth; // 1.2 const xRadiusBottom = this.BOX_DIMENSIONS.value.bottomWidth; //

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SQLite Injection Not Work with Anonymous Type With Dapper

I’m Using Winform in UI, SQLite As Database And Dapper I want to use Sql Injection But It’s not working properly I Try This : dataGridView1.DataSource = provider.Query<Person>($"SELECT * FROM[Person] WHERE IsActive = 1 AND Name LIKE '%@TEXT%'" , new { TEXT = filter }); But After Debugging, Query Is : "SELECT * FROM[Person] WHERE

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How do I make div class of images responsive?

I’m trying to make a horizontal layout of 5 images side by side equidistant, and to be able to wrap over to the next line as the browser size changes. I want to use flexbox/I want this to be responsive and I cannot figure it out. I tried using the following properties in my CSS,

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I am looking for a way to detect screen sharing on a tab

I am working on an assessment web app and I need a way to tell if a student/user tries or is currently sharing the tab with an ongoing assessment or is sharing the screen. This is to prevent cheating, and I know platforms like Netflix and some other online exam web apps can blackout or

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Animation of rotateY-180 is not displayed

I have a problem.I would like to create a flashcard. First I see a word in a certain language and when I press on it, the card should turn round and the word in the other language should be visible. Everything works so far. But what doesn’t work is my animation. How can I make

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Why does Delphi duplicate resources in binary and asset directories for mobile projects?

In Delphi mobile development, I noticed that resources like PNG images are both embedded in the binary and stored as files in the Assets directory on Android and StartUp/Documents on iOS when added via Project > Resources and Images. I’m seeking clarity on a few points: Purpose of Duplication: Why are resources managed in both

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How do I pass a data stored in a local storage in JavaScript file to a PHP file to be processed

I tried using ajax method but I don’t really understand ajax All I want is to get the data from the local storage in my JavaScript file to my PHP file so that I can compare the value to what the value from my database is giving me please help me javascript code let pid

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Why is my computer omitting a result which online compilers aren't? Also, it is taking 35 seconds to run

In terminal – PS C:\Users\Paradox\Documents\Prog\C> cd "c:\Users\Paradox\Documents\Prog\C\" ; if ($?) { gcc armstrong.c -o armstrong } ; if ($?) { .\armstrong } Enter the upper limit for the list of Armstrong Numbers : Output for 1000 as input: All-Armstrong number between 1 and 1000 are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 370

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