October 25, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Querying class members variables with DuckDB

I have a codebase with an API to pass a SQL query to run for execution, but that same API does not provide a way to pass a variable. Meaning I do not get to pass a variable in the same scope as where the query runs: class SampleClientClass(BaseExecutionAPI): def __init__(self): self.conn = duckdb.DuckDBPyConnection() def

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Free GPL wpDataTables – Tables and Charts Manager for WordPress

wpDataTables is a powerful responsive Tables, Spreadsheets and Charts Data Manager in a form of a WordPress Plugin. For all our users wondering about the high price, and for all users with expiring support: please reach out to us so we could provide you with detailed answers and information, and suggest currently available solutions and

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Confusion Around useRouter() for shallow routing

I’m quite confused about the behavior of useRouter() in Next.js, specifically with the push and replace methods. My goal is to update the URL parameters as soon as my input changes. To achieve this, I revisited the Next.js docs and found an example for setting new searchParams using the useRouter hook like this: router.push('/?counter=10', undefined,

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How do I form this SQL Server select statement to get the properties I want from distantly related tables?

I have an inventory table. Let’s call it INV. I also have particular ID from another object. Let’s call it MyID. I want a select statement that gets me a few columns from INV and one column from a table that is several steps away: There is table B, from which we want all ‘sID’

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CSS & HTML heading getting misplaced on webpage

Unlike <h2>Personal information<h2> which shows perfectly how I want it to show the <h2>Emergency contact<h2> header that gets misplaced on the page. The CSS for <h2> is on the CSS folder below: <section class="personal-info"> <h2>PERSONAL INFORMATION</h2> <form> @*get firstname and last name to alighn with the other textboxes also make them fill the page*@ <label

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jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound: base.html

I’m a beginner and trying to apply some of what I’ve learn using Flask and Html to make a website as a personal project but I’m getting this error(jinja2.exceptions.TemplateNotFound: base.html) and I’ve tried everything there is in Internet. Could you help me please? Code routes: from flask import Blueprint, render_template main_bp = Blueprint("main", __name__) @main_bp.route('/')

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What is the correct way to read files off a modern android phone on windows 10/11

I’ve tried searching, but not had much luck, most answers are a decade old or cryptically mention ‘MTP’ which yields little in the way of windows APIs for interacting with MTP devices. Are there even standard microsoft APIs for windows for reading files off of android phones? Happy to use C++ or C# You need

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Youtube Data API – Get private and unlisted Playlists

In a Laravel app, I am trying to get the playlists associated to my YouTube channel. These playlists can be either public, private or unlisted. I can retrive public playlists but I am stuggling to get the unlisted and private ones, even with oAuth configured. Here is my code public function getPlaylist() { $client =

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Calculate time taken by program to run in uefi

I want to calculate how much time does my application take to run. I am trying to use ticks to calculate time elapsed. Basically using the PerformanceLib and TimerLib Frequency = GetPerformanceCounterProperties(NULL, NULL); StartTick = GetPerformanceCounter(); EndTick = GetPerformanceCounter(); ElapsedTicks = EndTick > StartTick ? EndTick - StartTick : StartTick - EndTick; TimeInSeconds = (double)ElapsedTicks

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Gradle doesn't understand implementation “package name” in build.gradle

I have code that uses the package org.firstinspires.ftc:RobotCore. I am trying to import it using gradle, but it gives me this error: Could not find method implementation() for arguments [org.firstinspires.ftc:RobotCore:9.2.0] on object of type org.gradle.api.internal.artifacts.dsl.dependencies.DefaultDependencyHandler. I’m relatively new to gradle, and I have no clue why this is happening. All the sample code I can

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