October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Is there a good way to have a navigation bar on a static site?

To have the same navigation bar on every page you can: use something like PHP or SHTML use a static site generator manually copy the navigation to every page use client-side JavaScript Are there any other ways? You need to sign in to view this answers

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MPAndroidChart BarChart: Touch Events Not Working Due to Unsorted X-Axis Data

I’m using MPAndroidChart’s BarChart to visualize data in my Android app. The chart renders perfectly, but I’ve encountered an issue where touch events on the bars are not consistently recognized. Specifically, calling getHighlightByTouchPoint(event.x, event.y) almost always returns null, except for one specific bar. Initial Data Handling: I was constructing the BarChart using entries created from

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How do I pass a hidden text field as well as changle the form action

I have a script that will take a page name and change the form action, which will then take me to that page. However, I also want the ID for the page content to be passed to it. I assumed that a hidden field would work. I get the page, but there is no content.

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Creating a type referencing itself in C

I would like to create a struct with pointer to the property of the same type. Ideally I would like to go for something like this, but this causes compilation error: typedef struct { int data; Node *next; } Node; Solution I’m going for in this scenerio is: typedef struct Node_s { int data; struct

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Foreign Key not Getting automatically generated in child table

I have two entities where the primary key of first entity is the foreign key of the second. When I save the parent, my foreign key is not set, so I want to know why it is not being set automatically. Parent Entity ExcpType.java @Getter @Setter @Entity @Table(name = "mst_excp_type") public class ExcpType implements Serializable

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ODE's not being solved because of a data mismatch in python. I have tried several approaches but keep getting the same error, what's wrong?

I am trying to use python to solve a set of ode’s for an electrical engineering project I am working on. In this project I am trying to solve a set of ODE’s in order to get the transfomer hotspot temperature against time for a day. I have a data frame showing the hourly total

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Free GPL Ads Pro Plugin – Multi-Purpose WordPress Advertising Manager

The Best WordPress Advertising Manager in 2024 / 2023 / 2022 / … / 2015 Ads Pro (v 4.87) is a Premium WordPress Ad Plugin that helps you manage, sell and display your advertising space, in a way that no other plugin can. This awesome tool supports a templates and grid system to show really

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[slug]/page.tsx re-renders static elements

i am creating a docs page in next.js using .mdx files. in my docs pages it has two elemnts: <div className={'flex flex-row'}> <DocsNav/> <div className={'flex flex-col'}> <EditPage docName={params.slug.toString()}/> <div className={'my-4'}>{content}</div> </div> </div> now what’s happening is when i click on a new docs link, it shifts me from one docs page to another, but the

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jQuery.ajax showed value as nothing (null) when debugging shows a value

In an MVC 5 app I have this bit of script vWidth = $(window).width(); alert("1278 - Window Width - " + vWidth); $('#HiddenField').val('1'); debugger; jQuery.ajax({ url: '@Url.Action("ManageCreditCards", "Manage")', type: 'POST', data: {WindowWidth: vWidth}, success: function (response) { $('#ManageCC_Div').html(response); }, error: function (xhr, ajaxOptions, thrownError) { ModalError(xhr.responseText + " - " + thrownError); } }) The

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How to webscrape elements using beautifulsoup properly?

I am not from web scaping or website/html background and new to this field. Trying out scraping elements from this link that contains containers/cards. I have tried below code and find a little success but not sure how to do it properly to get just informative content without getting html/css elements in the results. from

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