October 25, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

I am looking for a way to detect screen sharing on a tab

I am working on an assessment web app and I need a way to tell if a student/user tries or is currently sharing the tab with an ongoing assessment or is sharing the screen. This is to prevent cheating, and I know platforms like Netflix and some other online exam web apps can blackout or

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Animation of rotateY-180 is not displayed

I have a problem.I would like to create a flashcard. First I see a word in a certain language and when I press on it, the card should turn round and the word in the other language should be visible. Everything works so far. But what doesn’t work is my animation. How can I make

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Why does Delphi duplicate resources in binary and asset directories for mobile projects?

In Delphi mobile development, I noticed that resources like PNG images are both embedded in the binary and stored as files in the Assets directory on Android and StartUp/Documents on iOS when added via Project > Resources and Images. I’m seeking clarity on a few points: Purpose of Duplication: Why are resources managed in both

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How do I pass a data stored in a local storage in JavaScript file to a PHP file to be processed

I tried using ajax method but I don’t really understand ajax All I want is to get the data from the local storage in my JavaScript file to my PHP file so that I can compare the value to what the value from my database is giving me please help me javascript code let pid

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Why is my computer omitting a result which online compilers aren't? Also, it is taking 35 seconds to run

In terminal – PS C:\Users\Paradox\Documents\Prog\C> cd "c:\Users\Paradox\Documents\Prog\C\" ; if ($?) { gcc armstrong.c -o armstrong } ; if ($?) { .\armstrong } Enter the upper limit for the list of Armstrong Numbers : Output for 1000 as input: All-Armstrong number between 1 and 1000 are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 370

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How to avoid uploading the full .jar file on every update

I am facing a little issue while deploying a new version of any of my Spring boot Apps. A .jar file containing some basic Spring boot dependencies can easily reach 80Mo, which is not a big problem but still becomes annoying when deployment is frequent or when connection speed degrades for some reason. No matter

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Find the datframe row where a column's datetime value matches another column's datetime value and return a value from the matching row

I am trying to find the row where a column ‘c2’ datetime value matches another column ‘c1’ datetime value and return a value from the matching row ‘rtn’ as a ‘new’ value. It works with the following example In the actual problem the second date column contains an the date an earlier predicted value for

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Free GPL BookingWizz for WordPress

Version 1.5.2 is now available This WordPress plugin requires BookingWizz 6.x, which must be purchased separately. Credit card payment plugin also not included and can be optionally purchased separately. Description BookingWizz for WordPress – is long-awaited addon which will allow you to integrate bookingwizz into your WordPress site without any hassle. Plugin will install bookingwizz

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how to use oModel.create() method in SAP UI5

I have this method in my controller in Business Applications Studio SAPUI5 but it doesn’t work as expected (I want the file to be attached to the invoice with the provided Objectkey which works perfectly fine with the second function, but when executing the first function, the file will be uploaded and sent to the

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Detect and ignore anomalous number in MySQL MIN/MAX query

I am trying to find the MIN and MAX of a simple data set…. Score 15 12 8 28 5 Simply doing this would work. SELECT MIN(Score) AS minScore, MAX(Score) AS maxScore FROM Scores; Which should return 5 and 28. But what if somehow a huge number ended up in the set throwing off the

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