October 25, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Free GPL Blog Manager for WordPress

Present your Blog posts in so many ways Sometimes WordPress themes come with very limited blog options in terms of layout variation, styling options, content re-arrangement, etc. Blog Manager for WordPress adds tons of blog functionality to your WordPress based website. Create as many blog post lists as you like. This plugin comes with over

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Get cookie by subdomain wise in react js using universal-cookie

I am using universal-cookie in my React JS project to store a token. I am setting cookies for both the domain and subdomain. My domain is testdomain.com and my subdomain is demo.subdomain.com. When I set the cookie for the domain and try to access it from the subdomain, I am getting the domain cookie instead

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HASH indexes in PostgreSQL

I’m revisiting an old question from 16 years ago about PostgreSQL HASH indexes vs B-TREEs. At the time, it seemed like HASH indexes were far less efficient than B-TREEs in terms of both space and time and the consensus was that HASH indexes offered no significant performance advantage in many use cases. I’m curious if

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Having problem position:sticky in html css

So i am new to html and css and i was doing a project and i am stuck in this type of scenario where sticky element is not sticking at first i thought it’s because i am creating it inside a flexbox which does not have scrollbar but when i looked it up on mdn

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Bootstrap mulitselect selected items not working after AJAX call

I am having an issue with Boostrap multi-select selected count not working after my AJAX call. I have a parent list that I make multiple selections from, which then sends an AJAX call to retrieve the ids and text of the child list. I am using JSON data to append additional checkboxes (li items) on

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How to make infinite repeating popups on click in HTML and Javascript

I want to make repeating popups in HTML. I have provided the code for the popups that I have inserted into the game so far. I want the popup to repeat infinitely when you click the close button (the no icon). Live page Actual source code, sorry! I tried to just use multiple js tags,

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Cannot click on button in CollectionView in MAUI App

I can’t in any way cause a button to be pressed inside a CollectionView tag, I don’t have any errors with data binding, the problem is that the compiler doesn’t even get to the command call, what could be causing this problem? <ScrollView Orientation="Horizontal" Margin="0,0,-300,0" Grid.Column="0" IsVisible="{Binding IsImageSelected}"> <StackLayout> <CollectionView ItemsSource="{Binding SelectedImageList}" VerticalOptions="Fill" HorizontalOptions="Fill" SelectionMode="Single"

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How to retrieve che correct date column from custom action in Grid4PHP?

I’m using Grid4PHP in my project and I have an issue retrieving a data value. In my table I have a data column: data date id int(11) ...other fields Here my relevant code: $db_conf = array( "type" => PHPGRID_DBTYPE, "server" => PHPGRID_DBHOST, "user" => PHPGRID_DBUSER, "password" => PHPGRID_DBPASS, "database" => PHPGRID_DBNAME ); $g = new

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Is it possible to create a large array in C?

I have 16GB of RAM and this code #include <stdio.h> #define len 900000000 int phi[len]; int main() { for (int i = 2; i < len; i++) { phi[i] = i - 1; } phi[0] = 0; phi[1] = 1; for (int i = 2; i < len; i++) { for (int j = 2

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ERROR Connection to localhost:5432 refused

При попытке запустить docker-compose с 2 контейнерами, контейнер с java почему то стучится в localhost:5432, хотя я указал другую переменную среды: Dockerfile: FROM openjdk:22 ARG APP_JAR=target/*.jar ADD ${APP_JAR} course.jar EXPOSE 8080 ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "course.jar"] docker-compose.yml: version: "3.9" services: course_pg_17: image: postgres restart: always container_name: course_pg_17 ports: - "5433:5432" environment: POSTGRES_USER: postgres POSTGRES_PASSWORD: postgres POSTGRES_DB:

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