October 25, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

how to use oModel.create() method in SAP UI5

I have this method in my controller in Business Applications Studio SAPUI5 but it doesn’t work as expected (I want the file to be attached to the invoice with the provided Objectkey which works perfectly fine with the second function, but when executing the first function, the file will be uploaded and sent to the

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Detect and ignore anomalous number in MySQL MIN/MAX query

I am trying to find the MIN and MAX of a simple data set…. Score 15 12 8 28 5 Simply doing this would work. SELECT MIN(Score) AS minScore, MAX(Score) AS maxScore FROM Scores; Which should return 5 and 28. But what if somehow a huge number ended up in the set throwing off the

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Changing the color when hovering

can I ask if what is the cause of my css code here, when I hovered over the class it display the background color, however the text color wont display it when I try to hover it the button. <li class="cards-carousel"> <div class="img"> <img src="img/adams-homes.png" draggable="false" alt="Adams Home" /> </div> <h2>Adams Home</h2> <div class="links btn">

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C and C++ compiler include order and relative paths

I did a test with the following folder structure: MainFolder main.cpp LibraryFile.h Files LibraryFile.h Library1Name MainHeader.h LibraryFile.h Files LibraryFile.h Library2Name MainHeader.h LibraryFile.h Files LibraryFile.h Let’s assume the MainFolder (root) folder is in the include paths and nothing else. Now in main.cpp I do: #include "Library1Name/MainHeader.h" Both MainHeader.h from Library1 and Library2 include: #include "LibraryFile.h" #include

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Angular Form Control Update visually doesn't match Form Object

In this form, our objects have Sources and Sub-Sources, with each Source having its own specific list of Sub-Sources. For some reason, if you select a Source and then switch to another Source, the select item will visually display the first item in the list of sub-sources as being selected. It is not selected in

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FIS_AUTH_ERROR in Firebase Messaging when publishing app on Google Play Store – Compose Multiplatform

I’m encountering an issue while trying to publish my Compose Multiplatform app on the Google Play Store. The app works perfectly in release mode on my devices, but it gets rejected when I try to upload the app bundle to the store. The error causing the rejection is a crash related to Firebase Cloud Messaging,

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What Is the Best Practice for FCM Data Messages Backward Compatibility?

I’m building my first mobile app and I’m facing the following situation. I have a Laravel API that sends data messages through FCM to an Expo mobile app. When the mobile app receives the data message, it takes the payload, builds a notification configuration, and uses Notifee to notify the user. However, a question that

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Exception thrown at 0x00007FFECFCBB16B (ucrtbase.dll) in Project-512.exe: 0xC0000005: Access violation writing location 0xFFFFFFFFF9CF4880

I’m trying to read a file in C, but after writing a bunch of code in order to allocate memory I’m having problems actually reading the file in that I’m getting a memory access violation, I tried allocating more memory than I actually need for the char pointer but ultimately I’m still getting the memory

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How to write better try-catch blocks with variable assignments?

Everyone knows the following situation: you want to assign a variable, but have to catch an exception, and in that case assign a fallback value. This always results at least in a 6-liner, while you just want a simple fallback value and maybe don’t care about the exception. How can the following be optimized in

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Unable to connect to Kasa Smart Plug via tp-link

I have one Kasa Smart Plug HS103P4. Its connected to WiFi and working. I have registered it in TP Link and Kasa Smart app on Android Device. I used python-kasa to discover the device and get its host IP which is 192.168.x.x. Now I want to connect to this smart plug in a different country.

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