October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Databricks JDBC Insert into Array field

I am trying to insert some data into a databricks table which has Array fields (field1 & field2). I am using JDBC for the connection and my POJO class looks like this public class A{ private Long id; private String[] field1; private String[] field2; } I am using jdbcTemplate.batchUpdate(String sql, final List<Object[]> batchArgs, final int[]

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Attempting to use a template function with a single non-type template parameter

I tried a version of the prorgam that avoids recursion: #include <iostream> template <int N> constexpr int factorial() { int value = 1; // 0! = 1 for (int i = 1; i <= N; i++) { value *= i; } return value; } int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) { std::cout << factorial<5>()

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jQuery selector for content without specific classname

This is my html markup: <ul class="list-unstyled mb-2"> <li class="mr-2 d-inline-block"> <p class="m-0"><i class="fas fa-birthday-cake mr-2" aria-hidden="true"></i>Age 26-34</p> </li> <li class="mr-2"> <p class="text-truncate m-0"><i class="fas fa-map-marker-alt mr-2"></i>City</p> </li> <li class="mr-2"> <p class="text-truncate m-0"><i class="fas fa-calendar-alt mr-2"></i>29.10.2024 - 29.10.2024</p> </li> <li class="mr-2"> <p class="m-0"><i class="fas fa-money-bill-alt mr-2"></i>50 USD</p> </li> </ul> Problem is that I dont know

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Why is the Paging3 PagingState not saving items?

I’m doing a pokedex example app in compose but the pagination works only if i close and reopen the application. override suspend fun load( loadType: LoadType, state: PagingState<Int, PokemonEntity> ): MediatorResult { val page = when(loadType) { LoadType.REFRESH -> 0 LoadType.PREPEND -> return MediatorResult.Success( endOfPaginationReached = true ) LoadType.APPEND -> { val lastItem = state.lastItemOrNull()

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Create pdf:s that are digitally signed

Where I work, we sometimes train customers. Every participant of these training will get a training certificate. The current method is that we have a template where we change the time period and the name of the trainer. These templates are then printed by one of the office secretaries, that then in turn need to

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How to Upload a Video Files Template in GrapesJS?

I’m working with GrapeJS for a project and have successfully implemented custom image upload functionality using the tag. Now, I need to do something similar for videos. Specifically, I want to: Add a video template (like a tag) to the editor. Allow users to upload a video file and set the video source dynamically. Ensure

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SQLAlchemy hangs when sending ALTER TABLE

I’m trying to add a column to a PostgreSQL table with SQLAlchemy. I read on a couple threads that the simplest way to do this is to send plain SQL rather than modifying the Table object. My query is really basic: import sqlalchemy engine = create_engine("postgresql://user@host:port/db") query = sqlalchemy.text("alter table schema.table add column if not

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React Module not found error when importing addColor component

I’m working on a React project for a university assignment and I’m encountering an error when trying to import the addColor component. Here’s the error message I’m getting: (modified to include complete error message) Failed to compile. Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './components/addColor' in '/my/base/path/my-app/src' ERROR in ./src/App.js 8:0-45 Module not found: Error: Can't

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How to determine available physical RAM in a RISC-V OS?

I was recently going through the source code for xv6 (https://github.com/mit-pdos/xv6-riscv), when I recently came across this line: (https://github.com/mit-pdos/xv6-riscv/blob/riscv/kernel/memlayout.h) #define PHYSTOP (KERNBASE + 128*1024*1024) combine this with the Makefile of the project (https://github.com/mit-pdos/xv6-riscv/blob/riscv/Makefile): QEMUOPTS = -machine virt -bios none -kernel $K/kernel -m 128M -smp $(CPUS) -nographic This made me realise that they are just hard

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CSS-only masonry layout

I want to use CSS to align a series of images like the image shows. 2 columns, and any number of side by side images. No vertical gaps between the images. And all the images are displayed with the same width (whatever their original size), and the heights are adjusted to keep the original aspect

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