October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

How to Solve Extremely Ill-Conditioned Linear System of Equations Ax = b?

I am working on solving a system of linear equations with multiple variables. The system is of the form Ax=b, where the matrix A is extremely ill-conditioned. I have been struggling to find a stable solution for this problem. I have tried several numerical approaches, including genetic algorithms and other optimization methods, but I have

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How to async await in react render function?

I need to display JSX that depends on data from a network request. In my first attempt, the return statement was hit before the network request resolved const showSubscriptions = () => { const [methods, setMethods] = useState([]); let subscriptionsRef = React.useRef({}) useEffect(() => { const getCommunicatorMethods = async () => { const { data

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Integrate pdf.js into a JavaFX Application without adding the entire pdf.js repository

I’m working on a JavaFX application where I want to integrate pdf.js to display PDF files. However, I’m looking for a way to do this without having to include a large number of files from the pdf.js repository directly into my project. So far, I’ve found this following ways to do it: PDFBox: this way

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C# Show pre-configured template based on a condition in WPF

So let’s say I have multiple grids laid out, 2 of them are static and will not change, but the third grid, is meant to show elements based on a set of conditions outlined. If one condition is met, then the third grid should show 2 input boxes. If another is met, 1 input box,

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sanitize-html not acknowledging allowedSchemes options

var sanitizeHtml = require("sanitize-html"); const ALLOWED_SCHEMES = ['http', 'https']; const htmlStr="\""><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=file:///etc/passwd" />'; const cleanedHTML = sanitizeHtml(htmlStr, { allowedAttributes: false, allowedTags: false, allowVulnerableTags: true, allowedSchemes: ALLOWED_SCHEMES, allowProtocolRelative: false, disallowedTagsMode: 'completelyDiscard', allowedSchemesByTag: { img: [...ALLOWED_SCHEMES, 'data'] }, }); console.log(cleanedHTML); Actual behavior '"&gt;<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=file:///etc/passwd" /> Expected behavior '"&gt;<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0" /> **Description of the issue:

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Which Postgres schema should I go with?

This is my first time working with databases. I’m designing a database for an e-commerce project. I ended up with two versions of the schema, and I don’t know which one to go with or what its pros and cons are. V1: -- Person Schema create table person ( id serial primary key, name text

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How to change text spacing in HTML time inputs?

I am making a time range selector, and using Bootstrap. It needs to be a specific fixed with so that it can fit with the other components. I’ve noticed that Firefox renders the text of a type="time" input slightly more spaced out than Chrome does, and that makes the text get cut off The overall

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How to write a piece of source code that can be executed as both C and Python, outputting 'Hello World'

I’m trying to write a piece of source code that is compatible with both C and Python compilers/interpreters, outputting "Hello World" in stdout. Here are two of my tries: #if __STDC__ #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("Hello, World!\n"); return 0; } #else print("Hello, World!") exit() #endif """" #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("Hello, World!\n"); return

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Extracting info from JSON response

I’m trying to get the last value of "TMiles" in the following JSON. [{ "__type": "MileageReport:http:\/\/pcmiler.alk.com\/APIs\/v1.0", "RouteID": null, "ReportLines": [{ "Stop": { "Address": { "StreetAddress": "Apple Park Way", "City": "Cupertino", "State": "CA", "Zip": "95014", "County": "Santa Clara", "Country": "United States", "SPLC": null, "CountryPostalFilter": 0, "AbbreviationFormat": 0, "StateName": "California", "StateAbbreviation": "CA", "CountryAbbreviation": "US" }, "Coords": {

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getting data from google tabs to html page

i´m new to html and creating pages, so i need help. i have this google form, where i put ingedience and stuff ((makeing a web for moms recepies)) and then it goes to the google sheets. i need to pull that infomations and put them on the page separating sweet recepies from salty ((it’s already

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