October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

How to get a value according to its number of occurrence

I have a Key-Value table like this: How to get a value according to the occurrence index of the key. I only got the key index using select INSTR ( key, 'key5<>' , 1,1 ) from table ; How should I get the complementary value to the delimiter occurrence? I want to get the parallel

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CSS: wrap text in existing html site around polygon (OBS browser)

I want to implement an existing chat URL (https://chat.restream.io/embed?token=bebb117e-81d4-4394-9901-0c644ac2ee51) into a stream via OBS Studio’s internal browser. Instead of being rectangular, I want the text to wrap around a polygonal shape, basically a triangle in the bottom left corner. As you can see in the source code, there are a lot of classes that could

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Strict Aliasing and Unions in C

Consider the following C program (which is based on an example from this article): #include <stdio.h> short g(int *p, short *q) { short z = *q; *p = 10; return z; } int main(void) { union int_or_short { int x; short y; } u = { .y = 3 }; int *p = &u.x; short

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jQuery $('CLASS').on('click tap touchstart', function(event) not working on mobile

EDITED AND REPOSTED as the title says, the function is working properly on desktop, but not on mobile. The code is below, but I’ve removed most of it because it’s quite repetitive and long, but if you need the entire script I’m happy to provide it. Thanks! HTML <span id="brxe-wlyncw" class="brxe-button main-cta-button pricing-btn faq-btn bricks-button

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How to show a grid on the page when an element is being dragged/resized?

I have a page where you can drag/resize boxes to design your own dashboard layout. It has a 12 column format. I want to show the grid lines temporarily when an item is being dragged/resized, so that user has an idea of placement options and columns. How can I show those lines on the page

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Mollie checkout URL not showing in Android Webview

In my Android App built using Jetpack Compose and Kotlin, I am using Android Webview to load Mollie checkout url for payments. The URL (https://www.mollie.com/checkout/select-method/SOMECODESPECIFICTOPAYMENT) shows content like this Initially everything was working and Android Webview was loading Mollie URLs properly, but now the users on live app are facing issue of empty page display,

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Why does my array fires Error: Call to undefined method stdClass on a function after json encode / decode?

I am working on an object I want to send to another php script via Ajax to perform a function called lire() So to send this object called Caddie, I json_encode it and then in my php script json_decode it to call it with the function lire. But after it is decoded, the function to

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First call to rand after calling srand doesn't look random at all

I’m getting strange behavior out of the rand() function in C. The result of the first call to rand() after srand() looks very predictable and un-random. I tried both with the seed from 0 to 10, and using the system time as a seed and sleeping 1 sec after each call to srand, produced similar

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When I attempt to use the authentication service that I developed, I encounter a 401 error

I made an auth service with Java Spring using JWT, and when I try to register a user from Postman it gave me a 401 error saying that I’m not authorized to use the API. Error when I try to use the API register method: I try to use the password that Spring gave me

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How do I get methods with arguments in a Python class using dir() while keeping original order of methods?

The dir() method print the methods in alphabetical order. How can I keep the original order of the methods in my class? Here’s my code return [(m, getattr(PythonClass, m).__code__.co_varnames) for m in dir(PythonClass)] Thanks! You need to sign in to view this answers

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