October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

PHP : Date difference logically best way

I need to calculate two date’s difference in days, Where one date is fixed (i.e. first day of month ). Another date would be today’s date. I know how to calculate difference between it. But I want to know which one would be 100% effective, using DateTime::diff() or using date('d') function. Anyone help me out

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How to install perlbrew following c compiler error

I am new to Perl (I am using it for a new specific project), and I am trying to following the following tutorial to install Perlbrew: https://www.ensembl.info/2013/09/09/installing-perl-dbdmysql-and-ensembl-on-osx/ I am running OSX Monterey Version 12.3. When I run the following code block: perlbrew install -j 5 --as 5.14.4 \ --thread --64all -Duseshrplib perl-5.14.4 I get the

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@Spy with @InjectMocks in Mockito

I am trying to write unit test for my ProjectsService class. the class depends on ProjectsRepository. So I annotated the repository with @Mock to avoid calling real database and annotate the projectsService with @InjectMocks to inject the required dependencies. Moreover, I want to test some methods in the projects service not all of them. I

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Crypto.com Exchange API Create Order unauthorised

I am trying to use Crypto.com API and when I am calling private/create-order to buy an instrument I am getting 401 Http status code with 40101 code, which means Unauthorised – Not authenticated, or key/signature incorrect I tried calling private/user-balance and i can successfully get my balance so it can’t be the IP. The difference

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Saving a Javascript Function on a webpage

I made a quiz, and the theme is the Harry Potter’s universe. I made a feature that allow the user to change the theme between the houses (Slytherin, Hufflepuff etc.) before starting the quiz. But I’ve got a problem. Each time you press validate, to validate your answer, and a function call another question (and

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Generate Dynamic PDF documents ( React.js & pdfMake)

Using react i want to generate dynamic PDFs the content of the PDF is very dynamic, a combo of texts, tables, columns, stacks … and nested tables with stacks and so on … Before I inserting a new title like { text: "Overview", style: "header" } before inserting this text i would check first how

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Is it possible to insert fields from a commit in the github pull_request_template?

When I create a PR, I first created a branch and committed changes. With the commits I have fields such as: a description (comment/message) the commit UUID the date / time when the commit happened others… My main problem, at the moment, is the comment from the first commit appears BEFORE the template. I’d like

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can't get accessToken with client-credentials grant_type with spring-authorization-server

env: java: 17 spring boot: 3.3.4 spring security: 6.3.3 spring authorization server: 1.3.2 i configured the authorization server like below with new version of spring-authorization-server library. i sent the request with postman which has correct client id and client secret parameter with the server. but can’t get the access Token. reference is few. and can’t

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Query that adds horizontal and vertical

I have data in a table that consists of expense statements by year. I want to make a SQL query that gives me the sum of the amounts but for a year on a line like in the Excel table that I provided. I tried but I can’t do it. Only one line per year

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CSS-only masonry layout

I am trying to achieve a dashboard grid witch has variable number of elements based on fetch result in marked elements ( red boxes on image ). I want to fit content on vieport with min height of items. if any item hits its min height then overflow grid. See image below: Group Dashboard Most

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