October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Black Outline Issue Around Text with CSS Gradient

I’m trying to create text with a gradient effect using CSS, but I’m noticing that there’s a black outline around the letters, which is not the desired effect. Here’s the CSS I’m using: div.marge { height: 100vh; } * { font-size: 50px; color: black; } span.white { text-decoration: none; background: linear-gradient(27deg, rgba(255, 0, 255, 1)

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JQuery javascript search filter not updating clearing value

I have the following javscript code which filters a table based on search criteria in the SearchInput field. I then added a clear button called clearSearch which is designed to empty the search field. It works to a certain extent until I clear what I type in the search which sets value of the search

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Why aren't my Flutter variables initialied on startup

I’m facing a peculiar issue with my Flutter app. When running the release APK, the variables on my home page aren’t initialized correctly on startup. However, if I navigate to another page and then return to the home page, everything is fine. This behavior doesn’t occur in debug mode. I’ve also noticed that the splash

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Override Cookie constructor in laravel 5.5 to allow rendering site inside an iFrame

Laravel 5.5 will only accept lax, strict or null as sameSite options when setting a cookie and will throw and exception if it is not one of these – before you ask I am stuck with laravel 5.5 for now. To allow the site to render in an iFrame the cookie needs to be set

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Win32 – read from stdin with timeout

I’m trying to do something which I think should be simple: do a blocking read from standard input, but timing out after a specified interval if no data is available. In the Unix world this would be simple with select() but that doesn’t work in Windows because stdin isn’t a socket. What’s the next simplest

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How can I optimize a large Java application using multi-threading without causing resource contention?

I’m working on a Java application that handles a large volume of data processing tasks. Currently, the application runs sequentially, but I want to improve performance by introducing multi-threading. However, I am concerned about potential resource contention and race conditions. Here are some specifics: The tasks involve frequent access to shared resources, including reading and

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Python function to create a network graph

I hope some kind soul can help me out. I am getting myself confused. I am trying to write a python3 function that takes in a list of network pairs eg [[‘A’,’B’],[3,2]] with the step/vertex distance to a common hub vertex, eg [‘A’,’B’] , either A is 2 or 3 steps, to the common hub/vertex

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Unpredictable variable context in Typescript classes

I am trying to create a class in Typescript (React Native) that manages modals in a stack as to not have the modals consume too much memory (use case might not be super important). I am declaring an instance of the class and then pushing and popping from the class. However, when I call the

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How to stream a pdf by rest api in laravel 10

This code give me 200 but did not stream generated pdf file.. I want to generate a invoice as pdf format and steam on browser but it didn’t work. <?php namespace App\Http\Traits; use App\Models\Settings\POSSetting; use Barryvdh\DomPDF\Facade\Pdf; trait InvoiceTrait { protected function handleInvoice($request, $resource = null, $action, $name) { // Fetch the POS settings and invoice

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Functions chaining with std::tuple

I’m trying to implement functions chain, that get bunch of different functions and member functions at compile time and execute them one by one and stop execution if processing function fails. It may be any count of functions. Now I’m stuck on the fact that std::tuple::get doesn’t accept counted variable as template parameter. How can

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