October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Where do I put Django Debug Terminal in middleware

Django Debug Terminal’s documentation says The order of MIDDLEWARE is important. You should include the Debug Toolbar middleware as early as possible in the list. However, it must come after any other middleware that encodes the response’s content, such as GZipMiddleware. But this can be a bit tricky. For example, in my settings.py I have

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Cannot find module when running Node.js app with PM2 and TypeScript path aliases

I’m encountering an issue when trying to run my ExpressApp application using PM2. The project is written in TypeScript, and I’m using path aliases defined in my tsconfig.json file. The build completes successfully, but when I start the app with PM2, I get the following error: Error: Cannot find module '@/config/routes' Require stack: - /Users/nicolasbispo/projetosgabriel/athenasbackend/build/index.js

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How to pair up the same strings in two table where in one of them they have a '?' replacing some of the characters?

I have names of people in a table as primary keys and I have them in another as foreign keys except in this second table they have been occasionally recorded faultily, with a ‘?’ symbol replacing a character. I’m looking to eventually update this second table with the correct names, but for now I would

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How to get the loading spinner and the chatbot response in the same line

please could you help me, I was building an interface for my chat bot but it there is an issue, If you look at the image you’ll get it as you can see there are is an empty icon floating, I want it gone this is the console image as well and as for my

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PHP PDO Microsoft Access Driver is returning a 500 error

Attempting to read an access file into a PDO. $db = "D:/VacConJobTrackerbe.accdb"; if (!file_exists($db)) {die("Could Not find database file.");} else {echo "Found Database file.<br/>";} $jobTrackerConn = new PDO("odbc:Dbq=$db;Charset=UTF-8;Driver={Microsoft Access Driver (*.mdb, *.accdb)};Uid=Admin;"); I get a 500 error. The php logs are clean. Other parts of my application successfully read from a sql server. odbc Data

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How to move from Yes to No in toggle switch using selenium java

Here i need to move from Yes to No, so please guide me how to locate xpath for toggle swithcer, and please refer below html code WebElement toggleswitch =wait.until(ExpectedConditions.presenceOfElementLocated(By.xpath("//input[@id='mfaEnabledId']/following::label[@for="switcher"]"))); toggleswitch.click(); i have used this xpath but it throws error like this FAILED: verifyUserCreaton("naresh", "123", "nareshponnusamy77@gmail.com", "Naresh123", "Naresh@14499", "Naresh@14499") org.openqa.selenium.ElementClickInterceptedException: element click intercepted: Element <label for="switcher"

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Why is the Python mulitprocessing using class functions slower than in serial for this code?

I am trying to run a multiprocessing pool within a class to calculate several values that use class functions of a much larger class. I am trying to take the initial values and add a random 5% normal distribution to each value and calculate the new log likelihood of those new values. Here is a

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How can I fix GLSS Shading on THREE.js so it shows an accurate day-night cycle on an earth?

I’m working on a 3D Model of the earth for a project, and I am having a problem. Originally, I was using no shading, and added both materials to a group, with THREE.AdditiveBlending. This led to what is seen in the image below, where the lights that show up on the night texture show up

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What could be the reason our app doesn't show up when searching on Google Play

So this app: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=dk.dkent.workreporting When searching for it on the store, either just the name or the company name it doesn’t show up. But if I search for it on Google or Duckduckgo I can find it there, I can press "See in Play Store app", it opens the play store app and I can

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How to fix this pygame menu UI?

This is setting up the class to show the main menu class CreatePlayer: def __init__(self, screen, width, height): self.screen = screen self.width = width self.height = height self.country_name="" self.flag_color_1 = self.random_color() self.flag_color_2 = self.random_color() self.symbol_color = self.random_color() self.pattern = 'Stripes' self.shape="Circle" self.shape_size = 50 self.shape_position = (self.width // 2, self.height // 2) self.makes = []

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