October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

VSCode Oracle Language Server errors out

I recently installed the Java 23 JDK on my computer, and I went to VSCode in order to update the Java version it uses. However, I found it already broken. When opening my Java project, I saw an error popup saying Error initializing Oracle Java SE Language Server not enabled. In the associated terminal window,

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Rects not being resized with their images in window

In order to make my window resizable and the images scale with the window, I am using blit with a surface that is a copy of the screen, and then adding that surface to the screen, scaling it to the current size of the screen, as below. mainMenuScreen.blit(background, (0, 0)) mainMenuScreen.blit(quitButton, (96 * WS, 54

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Problem with npm run dev missing script issues?

npm run dev npm error Missing script: "dev" npm error npm error To see a list of scripts, run: npm error npm run npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: C:\Users\Fatiih\AppData\Local\npm-cache_logs\2024-10-17T12_19_10_496Z-debug-0.log My package.json file: { "name": "pay", "version": "1.0.0", "main": "index.js", "scripts": { "start": "node index.js", "dev": "nodemon index.js", "test":

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Confusion Encountered When Using arrayJoin Function and GROUP BY Clause in ClickHouse

the first sql SELECT rtx , arrayJoin(['Istanbul', 'Berlin', 'Bobruisk']) AS city FROM ( SELECT 'hi' as rtx ) where city = 'Istanbul' group by rtx, city; the result is rtx city hi Istanbul the next sql SELECT rtx , arrayJoin(['Istanbul', 'Berlin', 'Bobruisk']) AS city FROM ( SELECT 'hi' as rtx ) where city = 'Istanbul'

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How can I disable v-text-field focused effect?

I have following v-text-field which has following defaults // defaults.ts (used by Vuetify) const INPUT_DEFAULTS = { color: '#8AB8E5', baseColor: '#8AB8E5', bgColor: '#E8F1FA', rounded: 't-lg', persistentHint: true } const defaults = { VTextField: INPUT_DEFAULTS } and these are the CSS rules inside my base.css related to the component .v-input:not(.v-input--error) .v-label, .v-input:not(.v-input--error) .v-messages { color: rgb(var(--v-theme-secondary-text))

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Publish GTK+ Application with msys2 and mingw64

I want to publish my GTK+ application with mingw64. But although I copied the gdkpixbuf loaders in right place, the application can’t find gdkpixbuf loaders and My application look’s worse. How can I fix this problem? I am copied gdkpixbuf loaders in lib\gdk-pixbuf-2.0\2.10.0\loaders path but It wasn’t working You need to sign in to view

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How to split Flutter ARB localization files by feature in a clean code folder structure?

I am working on a Flutter project following a clean code architecture, and I use ARB files for localization. I’d like to organize the translation files within each feature and component, but I’m unsure of the best way to structure them. Currently, my project looks like this: lib/ ├── features/ │ ├── feature_1/ │ │

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How to password protect a directory that contains an OpenCart shop

I have installed OpenCart in a folder on a hosted server. The reason why it’s in a folder and not the root, is that I only want people who login to have access to the shop and stay logged in while shopping. This has nothing to do with logging into OpenCart as they would have

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REST Assured – Sending custom Content-Type in request

I have an endpoint method like this public <T> Response navigationEndpoint(T body, String method, String endpoint, DataObject dataObject, String requestName) { AllureRestAssured restAssured = new AllureRestAssured(); restAssured.setRequestAttachmentName(requestName + " Request"); restAssured.setResponseAttachmentName(requestName + " Response"); RequestSpecification requestSpecification = given() .filter(restAssured) .filter(new SwaggerCoverageRestAssured()) .filter(new ReportPortalRestAssuredLoggingFilter(1024, LogLevel.INFO)) .log().all() .baseUri("https://api." + System.getProperty("base.uri") + "/navigation") .contentType("application/vnd.thermofisher.luna.folder") .header("Authorization", "Bearer " +

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Can anyone help me out in detection of Tile edges and Corners effectively?

Iam trying to detect Tile corners and edges but there is an issue of light reflection intensity as well as the shadows.Since iam using image processing technique so i want to sort it effectively like this and my code works on some images of tiles but doesnt work on many of them. [Results on processing1](https://i.sstatic.net/YFhdHjdx.png)

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