October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

HTML, CSS, JQuery: Size doesn't change when using .css()

I’m trying to make a dynamic element using jQuery, CSS and HTML. When I click on it, the function to resize the element gets executed and works properly, also revealing the "close" icon. But when I click on the close icon, the function to close the panel gets correctly executed BUT the element won’t resize.

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How to do a smooth expandable Floating Action Button Jetpack Compose that closes on outside click?

I want to create a Floating Action Button (FAB) in Jetpack Compose that, when clicked, expands into a menu with multiple clickable buttons. The menu should open and close with smooth animations. Additionally, the menu should close either when clicking on the FAB again or when clicking outside the menu. Here are the key requirements:

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How to debug a recursive Sokoban solver, which occasionally runs with wrong data

I am writing a program to solve Sokoban levels – because why not. The initial trigger for writing the program was to show a colleague how a program can be written using the MVC pattern. From there, it evolved. The good: for some warehouses, the solver finds the proper solutions. I know because I created

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I am getting wrong output

import java.util.\*; public class prime_numberss { public static void main(String \[\] args) { System.out.println("Enter any number : "); Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in); int num=sc.nextInt(); int count=2; System.out.println("Prime numebers upto " + num + " are : "); if(num==2){ System.out.println("2 "); } else if(num==3){ System.out.println("2 3 "); } else{ System.out.print("2 3 "); for(int i=4;i\<=num;i++){ if(isPrime(i)){

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Python script I am trying to solve

I have this challenge I have been trying to solve. Here is the script : import hashlib def takingPotion(memory, key): result = bytearray(len(memory)) for i in range(len(memory)): result[i] = memory[i] ^ key return bytes(result) if __name__ == "__main__": # Ryan's memory is all scrambled. memory = 'd4e0b9f4fcf4f6ebe0b9f1f8effcb9fbfcfcf7b9faecebfcfdb7b9d0b9ebfcf4fcf4fbfcebb9f7f6eeb7b9daf7dce2fdaaaae9aaebc6a8f7c6e0a9ecebc6f1aaadfde4' # The lost recipe is here, but it

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Sharing a Language Array for a Translator Application in JavaScript

I’m developing a translator application using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. The app requires a comprehensive set of languages to support translation features. I compiled a JavaScript array containing various languages, including their names, native scripts, and codes. I believe this could help others who are working on similar projects. Here’s the array I’ve created: const

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ORA-01031 : Cross Schema Procedure Execution Issue

I have three schemas META, DATA and a Custom schema in an Oracle DB. I’ve declared one simple procedure in META schema. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE TEST1 ( v_name IN VARCHAR2 ) IS BEGIN DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE('Hello, ' || v_name); END TEST1; / I haven’t given any grants on DATA or CUSTOM schema for this procedure. When

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Dev-C++ terminal window closes right away after I run my code

Every time I run my code, the terminal window closes right away. I have already tried multiple ways to fix it but none of them have worked yet. I aded "getc();" before "return" and it doesn’t work anyway. I’m unsure of what to do next. This is my code: #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("Hello,

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Implementing OpenStreetMap for searching placing in react-native application

Error 1: Message: Render Error – Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance. Details: In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a Symbol.iterator method. Error 2: Message: Render Error – Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance. Details: In order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a Symbol.iterator method. Both errors share the same

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Black background appearing on SVG when converted to PNG for mPDF library

I’m working on a feature that converts DOM content into a PDF using the mpdf/mpdf library from Composer/Packagist, and it generally works great. However, part of the DOM content is generated using C3.js to create charts. I convert the C3.js SVG to a PNG by drawing it onto a canvas so that it appears in

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