October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Adding component via TypeScript in Angular dynamically

I searched the internet for a solution but I can’t find one, either because some functions are deprecated or do not exist. I’m trying to automatically output dynamic text inside of a component, but I can’t figure it out. The component in question is structured like this: @Component({ selector: 'app-chat-bubble', standalone: true, imports: [], templateUrl:

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Unable to change Overflow icon color in my Toolbar

In my gradle I’m using material 1.12 acording to various article it is somehow possible to style the threedots icon used as overflow menu for my toolbar (top) this is what I have defined in my style, as you can see I have set various colors to try hit the right one: <style name="App.Theme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.DayNight.NoActionBar">

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How do delivery systems like Uber Eats and Glovo manage order assignment, confirmation, and real-time courier location updates?

I’m curious about the backend mechanisms behind popular delivery platforms like Uber Eats, Glovo, or similar services. Specifically, I’m interested in understanding how these systems handle: Order Assignment: How do they assign an incoming order to a specific courier? What kind of algorithms or criteria are typically used to decide which courier should receive the

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Write reusable pointer type casting logic in a function or macro

Here is the context of my question. I have this code : typedef enum DType { float32 } DType; typedef struct Array { void *data; DType dtype; ... } Array; The whole idea is to cast the pointer data to the adequate type depending on the value of the field dtype. Although it is possible

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How can I create a CriteriaUpdate query where I select the 'id' column if a method its true which changes another column in its table?

I have a Java 8 project. I have a Server class containing: Long id string name string ipAddress String status Its an entity to a SQL database. I want to run a criteriaUpdate query that updates my table based on the method outcome. If ‘id’ 1 cant be pinged, how do I change the ‘status’

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This error occurs after packaging the vispy program with pyintsaller

import sys import numpy as np from PyQt5 import QtWidgets from vispy import scene from vispy.app import use_app use_app('PyQt5') N = 500 class MainWindow(QtWidgets.QMainWindow): def __init__(self): super().__init__() self.canvas = scene.SceneCanvas(keys="interactive", show=True) self.canvas.unfreeze() self.canvas.create_native() self.canvas.native.setParent(self) self.main_widget = QtWidgets.QWidget(self) self.setCentralWidget(self.main_widget) layout = QtWidgets.QVBoxLayout(self.main_widget) layout.addWidget(self.canvas.native) button_layout = QtWidgets.QHBoxLayout() layout.addLayout(button_layout) grid = self.canvas.central_widget.add_grid(margin=10) self.xaxis = scene.AxisWidget(orientation='bottom') self.xaxis.height_max = 80

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context.sync() blocked in Powerpoint Addin while trying to replace an image

I’m working on an Addin for Powerpoint and I’m having some problems with context.sync() and I Don’t understand why. A little explanation of what I want to do: With a function I have created an image and inserted it in my slide. At some point, I want to replace the image I’ve created with a

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Apply styles of different css classes based on media query for a class

I created a css file where I have styles for texts specifically. Example .h1_24 { font-weight: 700; font-size: 24px; line-height: 140%; } .h5_18 { font-weight: 500; font-size: 18px; line-height: 120%; } ... Let’s say I have a class for a profile card: .profile { ... } How would some use styles of .h1_24 in profile

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Where does JS runtime gets executed for Android app created in React Native?

As we know in React Native, the JS runtime is used to execute the JS code. In Android the JS runtime is bundled with the Apk, and the Android system creates a process to run the Apk. My question is: Where does the JS runtime gets executed in the process, does it gets executed inside

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I can't pass data to the component in Laravel

I’m trying to pass data to the components using directly to the Blade component (using @props). As a first step I put the following code in notification.blade.php: @props([ 'type' => 'info', 'message' ]) <div class="alert alert-{{ $type }} notification"> {{ $message }} </div> Now in the test.blade.php view I put the following code (:type and

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