October 24, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Flet window just stops

I am making an app in PYTHON which needs Realtime object recognition, so I have used opencv for camera, yolov8 for object recognition and flet for making the UI of my Application, so what happens is whenever i click on run in vs code and the flet window shows up it only shows or displays

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Free GPL ARMember – WordPress Membership Plugin

Discover ARmember, the Best WordPress Membership Plugin of 2024. It is a one-stop solution for selling subscriptions, managing tiered plans, and providing gated content like a pro. With its all-in-solution and multiple features, you can create a high functioning membership website, without any coding knowledge. Experience magic of ARMember with personal Frontend/Backend demo or quick

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Rails Admin UI Not Working Properly with Custom JS

I recently added a custom action that requires some custom JavaScript. To do so I added app/assets/javascripts/rails_admin/ui.js //= require ../google_places_autocomplete.js //= require ../google_places_autocomplete_validation.js My custom action works correctly, but when I go to my form to create a new instance the UI is not correct. There are no console errors. My custom CK Editor doesn’t

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unable to integrate custom indicators/studies using highcharts

i’m working on a forex broker an trying to integrate custom indicator using highcharts library in NEXTJS 14 but unable to come across a documentation for such i initially used trading view but seem like to integrate an indicator one will need to go for a paid package which is high so how can i

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Why can templates only be implemented in the header file?

I’m creating my own C++ tutorial, and I’m immersed in providing some template examples. I know that the C++ Standard Library contains a Stack class, but I’m trying to provide relatively simple examples that don’t rely on using [much of] the C++ Standard Library. I created a version of my own example template Stack class:

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Newly uploaded files resulting in 404 error pages

We are experiencing a PDF file access issue on our WordPress site. We have a folder located below the wwwroot directory named /policies: /site/wwwroot/policies Newly uploaded files in the /policies directory are returning a 404 error in the browser, while pre-existing files load without any issues. For example, here is a file that returns an

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Can you assign an elements class list to a variable by clicking on the element?

The main question I have is: Is there a way to assign to a variable an elements class list by clicking on said element. Expanding on this, I’m trying to create a function that – on clicking an image in a photo grid – expands the image making it clearer for people to see. I

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SQL join with missing data

I have two tables, NAME and ADDRESS. For both tables, the primary key is ID and Language. I want to join these two tables on ID and Language, but sometimes there will be a case where the address table does not have a matching language for the ID, but there is a matching entry with

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How to change font color of closed captions on Udemy in Firefox

I’m using the Udemy player for watching tutorials. I’m used to green font color of closed captions from Youtube. How can I change the font color of closed captions in Udemy player? I’m using Firefox Stylish addon. There are many styles and it is difficult to find the right one. You need to sign in

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Set `body` `background-color` programmatically in Svelte?

I’m making a site using Svelte and SvelteKit, and I’d like to use a predefined array of colors for styling in a normalized way– if I change one of the values later, everywhere that styles using that value will be updated later. // palette.js export const grays = [ 'hsl(240 3.7% 10.6%)', 'hsl(240 13% 18%)',

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