October 24, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

The Anti-Clickjacking X-Frame-Options Header Is Not Present

Is There A Way To Add an Anti-Click Jacking Header In Shopify ? If There Is I Need Help As The Site Is Being Warned For The Same Saying That There Is No Anti-Click Jacking Header File Present In Store By Default. NEED HELP !!! Internet Gives Suggestions For React Code And Our Tech Stack

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Aware datetime objects output different UTC offsets in one timezone

My database is storing dates with time in UTC timezone. I have a python program that uses ORM to query database. This ORM is configured to use Europe/London timezone. When I receive python datetime objects I expect them to be in +01:00 offset, but some dates have +00:00 (UTC) offset as can be seen below

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Vertical fly-out column navigation

We need a fly-out column navigation for our Drupal website, and during my research, I found the Navigation module (https://www.drupal.org/project/navigation), which offers the exact style I’m looking for. This module is already part of Core. However, it only transforms the administration menu, while I need it to apply to my custom left-sidebar navigation. Specifically, I

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A Deep Dive into the Producer-Consumer Problem in C

Producer-Consumer Problem (Bounded Buffer Problem) Overview The Producer-Consumer problem is a classic synchronization challenge in concurrent programming, where two threads—the producer and the consumer—interact with a shared, bounded buffer. This problem requires careful management to ensure that: The producer must not insert data when the buffer is full. The consumer must not pick or remove

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Using jquery toggle() method inside JSX

The situation is: the project is undergoing a react upgrade process (from 0.14.8 to 17.02). Jquery version remains 3.5.1. One of the UI elements has a popup toggle which is implemented like this: const overlay = ( <div className="type-selector"> <button onClick={() => $('.popover-container').toggle()}> <img src={'someicon.png'} /> </button> <div className="popover-container"> <Button onClick={() => next('ONE')}>Option 1</Button> <br

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Need to put a watermark inside a WebBrowser

I am trying to read an HTML file in a WPF app with WebBrowser and I want to put a watermark between WebBrowser and the text which I navigate from HTML file. I tried to use CSS in xaml.cs file but it wasn’t working. I do have 2 modes with a button which first is

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R8 removes entire classes it shouldn't

After migrating Gradle from 8.4 to 8.9 and Gradle plugin from 8.3.2 to 8.7.0, R8 is failing when building a signed release APK. Missing class com.my.package.MyClass$Companion (referenced from: void common.my.package.workers.SyncWorker.<init>(android.content.Context, androidx.work.WorkerParameters, com.my.package.Dao)) It fails with many more missing classes. I did add -keep class com.my.package.** { *; } to the app module (in proguard-rules.txt) and

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TYPO3 Forms + Hook interaction

Im currently trying to implement a form in TYPO3 with typo3/cms-forms. My Form has to be a bit more dynamic, i need to fetch some data from an API and represent it in the form. To achieve that, i thought of using a hook to manipulate the basic structure of my form. $GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['SC_OPTIONS']['ext/form']['initializeFormElement'][1729246696] = \SchmelzermedienGmbh\ImApi\Hooks\Forms\FormHook::class;

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compiler complains that an unused variable is used when simply a cast to void is performed

We just found out that a certain compiler (Greenhills) sees the following construct as an error: // local variable mytype x; ... ((void) (x)); The compiler reports: error #549-D: variable "x" is used before its value is set. We’re using such constructs in special situations to avoid compiler warnings related to variables not being used

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onMouse Over nos campos do CA SDM

Gostaria de ajuda para construir uma função que quando o usuário passe o mouse sobre o hdr do campo surja uma janelinha informando a finalidade desse campo. Ex: Campo Item de configuração, quando o ponteiro do mouse passar sobre esse campo surja a janelinha com a informação do campo. Tentei criando um arquivo .js assim:

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