October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Trouble locating a table in an image using OpenCV

Working on extracting text from documents. The text can either be paragraph-like or sectioned and zoned. Tesseract by itself is doing an amazing job at extracting the text, but as you can see from the image the middle section (in red) is a table that doesn’t follow a well defined structure. I don’t care about

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Programatically select an option from a Primevue Select element

I have a Primevue Select element in my Nuxt3/Vue3 app. I want to change the selected option programatically, but I can’t find information on how to do that. There is not ".value" I can set. This is my element: <Select id="Gage" v-model="selectedGageValue" filter :options="getGageOptionsList" optionLabel="name" optionValue="description" placeholder=" ... " :virtualScrollerOptions="{ itemSize: 50 }" @change="onGageSelectionChange" class=""></Select>

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Simple animation hangs on first page launch

I have a simple CSS ticker animation : <link rel="preload" href="../media/main/comissions_table_borderless_comp.svg" as="image" type="image/svg" fetchpriority="high"> <div class="table_container_container"> <div class="table_container"> <div class="table_content_1"> <img src="../media/main/comissions_table_borderless_comp.svg" alt="open for comissions"> <img src="../media/main/comissions_table_borderless_comp.svg" alt="open for comissions"> </div> <div class="table_content_2"> <img src="../media/main/comissions_table_borderless_comp.svg" alt="open for comissions"> <img src="../media/main/comissions_table_borderless_comp.svg" alt="open for comissions"> </div> </div> </div> .table_content_1, .table_content_2 { animation: ticker 5s infinite linear forwards;

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How can I fix this type of issue on Android OS OpenGl Native Crash?

Android os gl renderThread crash .this is track.this is Probabilistic Crash.Maye Be 300~800 count Trigger 1 count Crsah.android os 8.1 version 10-17 16:10:32.453 29480 29514 F libc : Fatal signal 7 (SIGBUS), code 1, fault addr 0x434d5a4b in tid 29514 (RenderThread), pid 29480 (.gvs.touchpanel) 10-17 16:10:32.650 5331 5331 I crash_dump32: obtaining output fd from tombstoned,

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Which is better conditional rendering or separation of files in PHP?

i have a website where there are users with multiple privileges with difference in UIs and actions that are allowed/not allowed in the page , i have been overthinking about an approach that will make our lives more easier and we mainly have 3 privileges for now , i started already with conditional rendering however

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C, Calculating the distance between two GPS locations?

If I have two GPS locations, say 51.507222, -0.1275 and 48.856667, 2.350833, what formula could I use to calculate the distance between the two? I’ve heard a lot about a haversine formula, but can’t find any information about it, or how to apply it to C. I’ve written the following code, however, it’s very innacurate.

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Trying to create an algorithm to arrange a list of string in an alphabetical order, using Queue Data Structure in Java

I’m new to Java and looking for some advice, I’m learning about Queue Data Structures and trying to create an algorithm that sorts a list of strings into an ascending order. When sorting an array in an ascending order you’d create a key which holds the element of the index from the for loop. This

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How can I start a docker container via an independent docker container?

I have a manager container that I would like to give the ability to start an adjudicator container N times. The adjudicator container does not persist so when it runs, it completes its tasks and then exits. How can I give the manager the ability to start this process over for a set amount of

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How to implement a unique value validator in Foundation 6 and Abide?

I’m new to JS, jQuery, Foundation, Abide. (I speak a little bit PHP.) I’m trying to implement a uniqueValidator in Abide. When I try to follow the documentation that says: Just add foundation.abide.js AFTER the foundation.js file. When I do so, the console says: foundation.abide.js is not found. After long search I find at https://cdnjs.com/libraries/foundation

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Postgres is using wrong index

Create 2 identical tables: CREATE TABLE logs1 ( user_id int4 NOT NULL, create_time timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now() ); CREATE TABLE logs2 ( user_id int4 NOT NULL, create_time timestamptz NOT NULL DEFAULT now() ); I insert 200,000,000 entries into the first table, 2,000,000 for each of the 100 users: INSERT INTO public.logs1 (user_id) (select 1

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