October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Why printf show false value of an hex number

Code char a; a = 0xf1; printf("%x\n", a); Output fffffff1 printf() show 4 bytes, that exactly we have one byte in a. What is the reason of this misbehavior? How can I correct it? You need to sign in to view this answers

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Which approach is more efficient with hibernate

Let's consider a class Transaction @Entity public class Transaction { @ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER) private Business business; @Column(name = "business_code") private String businessCode; } which method is more efficient to fetch transactions by business using byBusinessCode which is a column in the table Transaction or using byBusiness so the whole object Business which is a dependency

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How to create conda env with special proprietary Python from specific location?

I have some proprietary software from SomeCompany (TM) that allows python scripting, but for that one has to use their own special version of python, which is attached to the rest of proprietary files. Let’s call it "proppython.exe" in the path C:\programs\SomeCompany\software\scripting\proppython.exe. I want to create a conda environment that would use that proppython instead

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Add Langgraph python backend to Remix app

Trying to develop a full stack app with a python backend that runs langgraph. I’m using Remix as the JavaScript framework, and I’m not sure how to structure the app to connect to the python backend. My plan is to use FastAPI as a service, but I’m confused on how to add it to the

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Get back the NULL date records between another set of dates

In MySQL 5.7, I have a table that looks like this: | email | a_last_sent | a_last_open | b_last_sent | b_last_open | ...more columns ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | email1 | 2024-06-12 | 2024-06-25 | 2024-03-06 | 2024-06-06 | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | email2 | 2024-06-01 | 2024-06-16 | 2024-06-05 | NULL | ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | email3 | 2024-06-01 | NULL

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click allow cookies popup on firefox selenium c#

I want to click on allow option which is coming out from a pop up of a website ,I want to do on firefox to allow cookies: i try this code but not work : FirefoxDriverService cService = FirefoxDriverService.CreateDefaultService(".", "geckodriver.exe"); cService.HideCommandPromptWindow = true; FirefoxOptions options = new FirefoxOptions(); options.AddArgument("ignore-certificate-errors"); options.AddArgument("--user-data-dir=" + FolderPathToStoreSession); options.AddArgument("--disable-notifications"); options.AddArguments("Firefox.switches", "--disable-extensions");

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Unconditionally stop scraping at specified element (or EOF)

I’m using Python lxml.html package to scrape an HTML file. The HTML I’m trying to scrape that reads in part <h1>Description of DAB Ensemble 1</h1><table>Stuff I don't care about</table> <!-- Tags I don't care about --> <div id="announcement_data_block> <h3>Announcement information</h3> <p>No announcement information is broadcast</p> </div> <!-- More tags I don't care about --> <h1>Description

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Android OAuth 2.0 Client can't verify app ownership

I am trying to verify app ownership in OAuth client in Google Cloud Console -> APIs & Services -> Credentials -> OAuth 2.0 Client IDs. But I get the error "This client is not applicable to verify ownership because it’s not a Google Play Store app", regardless of which Android OAuth client I’m using with

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Custom Post Type pagination not working correctly

Trying to add pagination to a custom post type query. I’ve used this same code before, but it keeps breaking on me – sending to 404 page. Not sure what’s going on here but would love some help if anyone can see my error(s). One note: In my Settings -> Permalinks admin area, I have

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Overlay a Logo and Details on an Image After Capture

I am trying to achieve a result similar to the photo below. I want to display the file information, address, and logo in the top right corner of the image. I have developed an application that allows users to take a photo and add the file name, address, and a logo to it, but the

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