October 24, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Error in Parsing Json data from Nseindia Option chain

This program was working earlier but now stopped working. import requests import pandas as pd import logging from datetime import datetime logging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG) baseurl = "https://www.nseindia.com/" headers = {'user-agent': 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, ' 'like Gecko) ' 'Chrome/80.0.3987.149 Safari/537.36', 'accept-language': 'en,gu;q=0.9,hi;q=0.8', 'accept-encoding': 'gzip, deflate, br'} session = requests.Session() request = session.get(baseurl, headers=headers,

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Free GPL Chauffeur Taxi Booking System for WordPress

Limo service, taxi operator, car hire. No matter which of these businesses you choose, Chauffeur Taxi Booking System is the first choice when it comes to a booking solution. The most popular and #1 selling WordPress Plugin for companies of all sizes provides a simple reservation process with online payments, notifications, WooCommerce and Google services

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img src is in array of object, using async await but images do not appear in react app

const [decks, setDecks] = useState(); const [loading, setLoading] = useState(true); function getCardImage(decks){ decks.map(async(deck)=>{ deck.img = await MagicApi.getCardImage(deck.commander); }) return decks; } useEffect(()=>{ const gettingDecks = async (userInfo) => { const res = await UserApi.getDecks(userInfo); const res2 = await getCardImage(res); setDecks(res2); setLoading(false); } gettingDecks({id}) },[]); if(loading) return <div><h3>Fetching Your Commander Decks...</h3></div> console.log(decks) return( <Row> {decks.map(deck =>

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Verify url with pgp image

I don´t really understand the tech behind that. I don´t understand how the image is not changed by the ones who want to steal from you but the rest of the pgp signature match the phising site. How it works? I tried looking for some info on reddit but the subs are so funny, run

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Oracle Execute Immediate into variable error: inconsistent datatypes

I have a script, that generates a dynamic statement to capture null and not null information about each column in a given table. I was able to get the script to run initially, but only received the message PL/SQL procedure successfully completed. After some additional research, it looks like I need to put my dynamic

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Column of h2 elements takes width of the biggest, how to prevent?

I have a column of H2 elements that I rotate through with a CSS transform. I need the background color of the H2 element to only cover the H2 element and text. There is a line running behind the text and right now the shortest element’s background is the length of the longest and covers

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Making planets follow their orbit in HTML/CSS

So I’m working on a React project for the first time (Only working with HTML and CSS so far). I’m trying to create a solar system where the planets evolve around the sun. For the snippet below I only included the first planet with its orbit so far. The sun is supposed to be centered

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Problem in adding GIF in React Native App

I’m trying to display a GIF in my React Native App. I also add animated-gif in android>app>build.gradle. dependencies { // The version of react-native is set by the React Native Gradle Plugin implementation("com.facebook.react:react-android") // For animated GIF support implementation 'com.facebook.fresco:animated-gif:3.1.3' if (hermesEnabled.toBoolean()) { implementation("com.facebook.react:hermes-android") } else { implementation jscFlavor }} But this only shows as

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My API isn't working correctly, it pulls most data but not all data and I need someone to review my code, please

I made an API for my jobboard. It’s supposed to retrieve jobs from my ATS Vincere and put it in my plugin, WP Job Manager, that manages my jobs on my WordPress website. But every time I put in a Postman test run it puts in everything except the salary. Here is the code for

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fmod function from math.h library in C not working correctly?

Ok, so hopefully I do not look like an idiot from asking this question…as it is quite basic, but my brain is either on vacation or something is indeed wrong. So -4 % 5 or -4 mod 5 should equal 1 correct? Why is it that the fmod function from the math.h library returns -4

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