October 24, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Making planets follow their orbit in HTML/CSS

So I’m working on a React project for the first time (Only working with HTML and CSS so far). I’m trying to create a solar system where the planets evolve around the sun. For the snippet below I only included the first planet with its orbit so far. The sun is supposed to be centered

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Problem in adding GIF in React Native App

I’m trying to display a GIF in my React Native App. I also add animated-gif in android>app>build.gradle. dependencies { // The version of react-native is set by the React Native Gradle Plugin implementation("com.facebook.react:react-android") // For animated GIF support implementation 'com.facebook.fresco:animated-gif:3.1.3' if (hermesEnabled.toBoolean()) { implementation("com.facebook.react:hermes-android") } else { implementation jscFlavor }} But this only shows as

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My API isn't working correctly, it pulls most data but not all data and I need someone to review my code, please

I made an API for my jobboard. It’s supposed to retrieve jobs from my ATS Vincere and put it in my plugin, WP Job Manager, that manages my jobs on my WordPress website. But every time I put in a Postman test run it puts in everything except the salary. Here is the code for

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fmod function from math.h library in C not working correctly?

Ok, so hopefully I do not look like an idiot from asking this question…as it is quite basic, but my brain is either on vacation or something is indeed wrong. So -4 % 5 or -4 mod 5 should equal 1 correct? Why is it that the fmod function from the math.h library returns -4

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Number of threads for CPU bound tasks in multithreading

Assume n is the number of available cores, where n is more than 1 (ie. we have a multi-core processor). I think most places that I read say that we should set the number of threads to be n, if the task is CPU bound, and, of course, parallelisable. In the case of web applications,

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Issue with dictionaries/lists of lists in my python board game project

my name is Jeremiah, this is my first time posting here so if I missed a good post on this I apologize in advance.The main goal of this project is to make a text based board game with a procedurally generated game board. Basically, the way my code works is that I start by defining

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Free GPL Filter Everything — WordPress/WooCommerce Product Filter

Filter Everything PRO — WordPress plugin that completely solves the problem of filtering on your site. With WooCommerce or without it. What the best Filter plugin should be able to do? To filter by any possible criteria. Please, see details ↓ To filter any content – products, posts, cars, houses, recipes, games etc Support any

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Angular: Await method do not execute the route.navigate() present inside the setTimeout?

I faced a weird issue when I am integrating a async routing above the await method. If I remove the await method, I can see the routing id working as expected. Below I am giving the code sample. async deleteApplication() { const confirm = await this._prompt.showDelteConfirm(this.application.name); if (confirm) { // Block 1 start setTimeout(async ()

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Sort by Date Day Names

I have this code that successfully displays the number of orders according to the day-name of the week. However, I wanted to display the days name sorted accordingly. I have this code below: SELECT DATENAME(dw, orderDate) AS day_of_week, COUNT(orderID) AS total_orders FROM Orders GROUP BY DATENAME(dw, orderDate) Here’s the output: But I wanted the Days(name)

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Is pop-out effect using blob svg achievable?

I’m quite struggling with this one. I found an article with this: https://css-tricks.com/lets-create-an-image-pop-out-effect-with-svg-clip-path/ , I alredy tried the steps. The problem is that I’m using blob as the maskBackground, I’m having some problems with the paths. I wanted to achieve the pop-out effect using the svg I have. Here’s my svg: <svg viewBox="0 0 200

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