October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

malloc & free in C with multidimensional arrays in C; Whats wrong with the code

I am a beginner and i am working on a code where the multidim arrays are allocated with the malloc, malloc variant. I have to add an Array with a higher dimension (3D instead of 2D). I discovered a strange behavior and i would be thankful for an explanation. I know this is not really

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how to send email PHP with AJAX

I have a form with the name contact-us-form and an undefined number of inputs. I want to do some kind of jQuery.get or ajax or anything like that that would call a page through Ajax, and send along all the form’s inputs contact-us-form. that’s my HTML Input <div class="box"> <form action="/contact.php" id="contact-us-form" method="POST" data-callback="pixelTracking"> <input

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ngx-intl-tel-input dropdown hover effect how to disable

Problem: I am seeing a gray background color when I hover over the dropdown items in the country list. I want to disable this hover color while keeping the dropdown functional. I tried using background-color: transparent !important;, but the gray color still appears. What I’ve Tried: Setting background-color: transparent !important; on .iti__country-list .iti__country:hover Using different

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How do I correctly suppress an unused variable warning in Kotlin?

I tried to suppress a warning using a couple of different methods, but I ended up with this one: class RotationGestureDetector( @Suppress("UNUSED_PARAMETER") private val context: Context, // Accepting Context for consistency private val listener: OnRotationGestureListener ) This gives the following warnings: Warning:(35, 16) Redundant suppression Warning:(35, 47) Property 'context' is never used I also tried

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Why move_uploaded_file fails with inappropriate ioctl?

I have a very very strange problem. I am using the jQuery-File-Upload from blueimp for uploading files. I use it for years on Windows and Linux. Recently I used a new server (with AlmaLinux). Previously I was using PHP 5.6 and now I am using PHP 7.4 on this new server. When I upload a

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Why does my timezone not update in embedded linux?

I have an embedded Linux with a write lock on all system folders (including /etc) and only one folder being freely writable, called /writable. /etc/localtime is a symbolic link that points to /writable/localtime. My (test) application changes the timezone by copying a different timezone file into the location at /writable/localtime, then calls tzset() and tries

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org.junit.jupiter.api.extension.ParameterResolutionException: No ParameterResolver registered for parameter [int arg0] in constructor

I’m migrating our tests from Junit4 to Junit5, one of which is a base test class that’s been inherited by 29 other classes with a constructor. I changed it to use Junit5, the structure is like below: public class BaseTest { protected String field1; protected Integer field2; public BaseTest(String field1, Integer field2) { this.field1 =

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How to check if WindowsPath is_absolute() if path is provided in posix format (ie '/windows/')

I have a CLI that is suppose to accept absolute paths but not relative paths. I set up my promp_toolkit PathCompleter to only complete absolute paths, only to be surprised that it would allow me to use posix strings to resolve windows directories. So for example if I want something in C:\Windows I can put

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Free GPL Timetable Booking Schedule for WordPress

Timetable, the leading and #1 selling WordPress plugin, empowers you with the tools to effortlessly create a visually appealing timetable view of your events. Its booking system simplifies event reservations, and export to PDF allows you to quickly download the entire schedule. Whether you want to display your gym classes or nightlife events, Timetable has

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How do I intercept the openDefaultBrowser(url) call in Thunderbird?

Is there some kind of ‘beforeLinkClick’ event which can be canceled, on certain URLs? Or an option to rewrite the openDefaultBrowser(url) function, which I’m guessing gets called, when you click a link? The end-goal is to develop a ‘Link-Blocker’ for emails opened in Thunderbird. I already found out that there is a setting under network.protocol-handler.external-default

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