October 24, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Javascript not working on Safari console, but works in Chrome

I’m trying to simulate a click from console on the 3rd upload box. This code works in Chrome. I can browse my folder, but it’s not working in Safari. setTimeout(function() { // Sélectionner tous les éléments avec la classe 'uP74h0hWZUzbcqM1doHG IazVbeuKn6e3j5HwOjS7 newImgCreate' let elements = document.querySelectorAll('.uP74h0hWZUzbcqM1doHG.IazVbeuKn6e3j5HwOjS7.newImgCreate'); if (elements.length >= 3) { // Sélectionner le 3ème

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Is there a way to IGNORE INDEX (PRIMARY) or FORCE INDEX in hql?

I have the below hql query: @Query("SELECT es FROM EmailSubscription es " + "JOIN FETCH es.subscriber s " + "WHERE es.subscriptionTypeId = :typeId " + "AND es.active = :active " + "AND es.id > :batchStartId " + "ORDER BY es.id ASC") @QueryHints(@QueryHint(name = "org.hibernate.fetchSize", value = "1000")) Unfortunately it takes about 2+ seconds to fetch

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Is it possible to have Plotly HTML charts appear within Colab without running the code beforehand?

I recently created a Python script that retrieves recent weather reports from the National Weather Service, then creates some simple Plotly visualizations of temperature and precipitation data. I configured a spare laptop to run this script on an hourly basis and then export the output to Google Drive, thus allowing relatively recent data to appear

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React Native Expo app says “Custom Layout View” in Android build only

after I start the app, the splash screen is followed by a white screen saying "Custom Layout View" but only using Android. The problem does not appear on ios at all and the problem does also not appear in android expo go. I checked the app.json and my router structure. I use a _layout file

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PHP sends curl to submit a login request, it receives code 302, and the automatic jump will return Code 411

All tests can be completed in postman, and the Location page after login is displayed correctly. However, when the postman output as php-curl: <?php include('php/simple_html_dom.php'); $username="username"; $password = 'password'; $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array( CURLOPT_URL => 'https://somesite.com/', CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 10, CURLOPT_ENCODING => '', CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION => true, CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => 'GET',

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Using clang and trying to generate a visual studio solution with premake doesn't compile correctly

I have 2 premake files 1 for my renderer, and one for my engine but when I generate a vs2022 solution via the command premake5 vs2022 trying to build said solution hits me with a I would like to know why this behavior happens, as building on the command line (with gmake) works perfectly fine,

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How to find latitude and longitude using Java

I want to find the current geolocation, latitude and longitude, of the computer at any one time using Java. My understanding is that there are no native Java libraries that handle this. What library might I use, then, that would be simplest, given that my requirements are no more complex than that? Thank you. You

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I'm working on a Python script that controls an LED light based on object detection results from a subprocess

I’m working on a Python script that controls an LED light based on object detection results from a subprocess. The goal is: Turn the LED red when a face is detected. Turn the LED another colour (turquoise) when only a person is detected. Face detection should have priority over person detection. So if both a

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Free GPL Ajax Translator Revolution DropDown WP Plugin

Ajax Translator Revolution DropDown WordPress Plugin Translator Revolution WordPress Plugin is a user-friendly, highly customizable WordPress translation plugin. It works making it simple to get started, but powerful enough to create highly customized translator setups. This is an automatic translation plugin, which means that you won’t have to spend countless hours manually translating your website.

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How can I change window.location?

According to the locale value, language information comes after the domain name in the URL. For example, when it is tr, it is When it is English, it is When locale tr comes, I want to do tr. When en gfel, I want to use en. I also want it to preserve any

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