October 25, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Extruding a 2D PNG into a 3D Mesh in BabylonJS

In BabylonJS, I’m attempting to extrude a 2d png image to a 3d mesh, whilst I’ve considered obtaining the contours/outline of the image by extracting the alpha channel of the image and then using the results to create an extruded polygon. I’ve gone with a more straight forward method which merely seeks to stack multiple

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Why does my mobile form require scrolling despite enough screen space?

I wrote a fullstack application with React frontend. I use daisyUI and tailwind for CSS. My application is deployed and accessible under https://cashflash.app The application displays correctly on desktop browsers. However, on mobile devices (tested on iPhone 12 mini and iPhone XR), the sign-in form (and all the others, I picked this one as an

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Bitmapped file data displays incorrectly

I have a BMP image file of the moon graphic from the original Space Invaders arcade game. I’m displaying this on a 240×320 TFT display using a RPi Pico. I can’t get it to display correctly, so I’m wondering if I pulled the data from the file incorrectly, or if it’s something else. This is

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I keep having issues with importing font families to css

I am making a clicker game and I’m trying to change the font of the text by importing a font family from my computer. Here’s the code: <style> @font-face { font-family: Futur; src: url(FUTURAMEDIUM.TTF); } #ClicksCounter { text-align: center; margin-top: 425px; font-size: 30px; color: white; font-family: Futur; } </style> I directly imported the font family

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how to create android layout like image?

[! android layout]1 Dear All, I am newer in Android. I am doing android application. I have tried many options. but layout didn’t match like this. Please suggest any solutions. am sharing image. Please help me for layout. I am trying so much but not get exactly solution. Thanks in advance <androidx.cardview.widget.CardView android:id="@+id/card_excel2pdf" android:layout_width="match_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content"

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Trying to automate URL inspection in google but cannot get past authentication

Google isn’t clear to me on how I can login to the google search console API. I’m using PHP and CURL. I passed in for the URL: "sites/example.com/searchAnalytics/query?key=mykey" and I passed in json parameters for the start and end date. mykey was assigned to me after using google cloud to generate one. When I execute

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Why ThreadX's entry function use ULONG as entry input instead of a void*?

UINT tx_thread_create(TX_THREAD *thread_ptr, CHAR *name_ptr, VOID (*entry_function)(ULONG), ULONG entry_input, VOID *stack_start, ULONG stack_size, UINT priority, UINT preempt_threshold, ULONG time_slice, UINT auto_start) Documentation: If I need to pass more than one parameter to the entry_function I must necessarily use a void *, hence my question, why ThreadX uses a ULONG instead of a void * like

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How do I resolve ClassNotFoundException?

I am trying to generate a print preview with jasper reports 7.0 in Netbeans, and i am using JDK 19. I have some records in database and i am trying to generate a print preview when a user clicks on a record. But so far i encounter this error anytime i click on the button

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Node position attribute in yFiles for Jupyter

I’m working with the yfiles_jupyter_graphs package in a Jupyter notebook to visualize a graph created with NetworkX. I want to achieve two things: Access Node Positions: How can I programmatically access the positions of each node after the graph has been laid out? I would like to retrieve the (x, y) coordinates of all nodes.

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Free GPL WordPressomatic WordPress To WordPress Automatic Crossposter Plugin for WordPress

Auto post from/to other WordPress installs with ease What Can You Do With This Plugin? WordPressomatic WordPress To WordPress Automatic Crossposter is a breaking edge WordPress From WordPress and WordPress To WordPress post importer plugin (WordPress crossposter) that is ideal for auto blogging and automatic WordPress post publishing. It uses the WordPress REST API to

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