October 25, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Free GPL Elegant Elements for WPBakery Page Builder

Elegant Elements is an add-on for WPBakery Page Builder and requires the plugin WPBakery Page Builder plugin to be installed and active in order to use it. Elegant Elements for WPBakery Page Builder is a complete web design toolkit that helps you design your websites faster and without having any coding knowledge. You can design

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Faced problem with collapsable button on react map() function

i’ve created multiple collapseable div useing map() function. but when i click one item to expand others also expands. same as collapse. any sollution? i tried this codes but it does not works with me. [`const handleBlogClick = () => { if (item.id !== item.id) { setOpen(!open); } };`] You need to sign in to

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Postman App Compromised? Uncovering a Potential Security Breach

This is quite strange. I was troubleshooting some networking issues in my data center using TigerShark while connected via VPN from my personal Mac. During the process, I utilized some AI analysis on the network packets, and something unusual surfaced. My Postman process was recorded reaching out to a TOR IP address,, which immediately

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Next.js failing to apply font to text

I am starting a new project with NextJS (version 14.2.13). I created the project using create-next-app, then I have imported two fonts from google fonts using the following code: ./app/fonts.ts import { Montserrat, Open_Sans } from 'next/font/google' export const montserrat = Montserrat({ subsets: ['latin'], variable: '--font-montserrat', display: 'swap', }); export const open_sans = Open_Sans({ subsets:

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ThumbnailUtils.createVideoThumbnail() can not get bitmap

I test many file formats for this, e.g. avi、flv、wmv…, but all of this get null bitmap: String aviPath = "xxxx.avi"; Bitmap bitmap = ThumbnailUtils.createVideoThumbnail(aviPath, MediaStore.Images.Thumbnails.MINI_KIND); and had log like this: java.io.IOException: Failed to create thumbnail, can’t open xxx.avi。 Is it means that these file formats can’t be supported now? or using it wrong? You need

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Laragon Virtual Host doesn't work for Laravel App

I know this question maybe duplicate, but from any answers and questions that I have looked at, no one of them can solve my problem. I use Laragon for my Laravel App project and i want to open the project by using the virtual host. I think I have changed the version of PHP on

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Undefined Reference? But I've already implemented the function

display.h #ifndef PRO_DISPLAY_H #define PRO_DISPLAY_H /** Initializes the display **/ int pro_display_init(void); #endif /* PRO_DISPLAY_H */ display.c #include "main.h" static int height_ = 300; static int width_ = 300; static int bpp_ = 16; static SDL_Surface* screen_ = NULL; int pro_display_init(void) { screen_ = SDL_SetVideoMode(width_, height_, bpp_, SDL_HWSURFACE|SDL_DOUBLEBUF); if (!screen_) { pro_sdl_error("Video initialization failed."); return

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Apache POI – converting xls to xlsx styling error

I am a junior software engineer who is new to this role. I am not sure if I’m asking a senseless question, so I will apologise here before I start. I am currently working on a client project and was asked to create an application to upload Excel into the database. After reading up I

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How can I restore multiple .bak files using databricks?

I’m trying to restore multiple .bak files however using the RESTORE command but does not recognize the usage of URL option the error states ProgrammingError: ('42000', "[42000] [Microsoft][ODBC Driver 17 for SQL Server][SQL Server]'URL' is not a recognized RESTORE option. (155) (SQLExecDirectW)") is there a way I can recover multiple .bak files or a work

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Free GPL DaVinci AI – OpenAI Content, Text, Image, Voice, Chat, Code, Transcript, and Video Generator as SaaS

Meet DaVinci AI The fastest, the most high quality, the best-rated, and the best-selling AI product on the market. What’s New? Last Update on October 8th, 2024: Introducing o1-preview, o1-mini models, Modern Theme (Frontend) (Paid), Themes feature, Classic Team (Dashboard) (Paid), Sonic Theme (Dashboard) (Paid), SEO Manager, Frontend Page creator, Advanced Finance Analytics (Extension), Dynamic

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