October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Make container shrink-to-fit child elements as they wrap

I encountered this situation where it seems the width of the text container goes full size if a word-break rule is applied. <ul class="flex flex-col-reverse space-y-1 space-y-reverse transition-all"> <li class="flex w-full items-end justify-between space-x-2"> <div class="mb-0.5 flex size-7 shrink-0 items-center justify-center rounded-full bg-blue-500" > <img class="rounded-full" src="https://randomuser.me/api/portraits/thumb/men/1.jpg" /> </div> <div class="w-full"> <span class="ml-1.5 text-2xs font-semibold">

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How to use Tauri Resource Files properly on Android

I’m currently trying to write an android app using tauri that is required to access font resource files. I added these files in my src-tauri directory within a fonts folder. In my tauri.conf.json I set the "bundle": {"resources": ["fonts/*"]} specifier I checked the targe > debug directories and the fonts folder + font files were

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can't open the page, too many redirects occured trying to open my local program

enter image description here Currently im encountering this problem which also affects my preloader for my vectors of java and css, i don’t know what caused this because from my last push from the main to the github all of the functions of my program and even just loading my program is working, but now

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A Windows-compatible C IDE that will be able to compile FFmpeg?

I want to set up an environment on my PC (Win7x64) that I will be able to combine these projects and compile them into one executable: FFmpeg AMV codec tools For this I need an environment that can compile/debug both the above projects (creating a Windows compatible exe). Any ideas? You need to sign in

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Erro no OpenCV CascadeClassifier com Java e Spring

Estou desenvolvendo um algoritmo de reconhecimento facial, usando Java com Spring Boot e OpenCV. @Service public class ReconhecimentoFacialService { static{ System.loadLibrary(Core.NATIVE_LIBRARY_NAME); // load opencv_java } @Autowired private AlunoRepository alunoRepository; private CascadeClassifier faceDetector; @PostConstruct public void init() throws URISyntaxException { System.out.println("\nPOST CONSTRUCT ReconhecimentoFacialService"); String xmlFilePath = "C:/Users/MeuUsuario/Documents/GitHub/projeto/backend/src/main/resources/haarcascade_frontalface_alt.xml"; System.out.println("XML File Path: " + xmlFilePath); this.faceDetector = new

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Error while trying to use the picam2 library: module 'kms' has no attribute 'PixelFormat'

I have been facing an issue. I have a project, where I have to use facial recognition from insightface to detect know people. Hardware-wise, I have been given a Raspberry pi 5 and two picams (v1.3, v2.1). I found out that there is an issue with the picam 2 not being detected by the system

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Free GPL Bookly Customer Cabinet (Add-on)

Important: This plugin is an add-on that requires the Bookly PRO plugin. View Bookly page at Codecanyon. Looking for a way to provide your clients with online access to their bookings? Bookly Customer Cabinet (Add-on) allows you to set up a secure, personal customer account on your website where clients can view and manage their

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Reducing blocking time of GTag script

If you can recognise this: <script src="https://www.googletagmanager.com/gtag/js?id=G-TOKENIDHERE"></script> It is a heavy file for the first second and so it matters. What I did: List item Used Async/Defer (but it still blocks) Loaded it in worker process via PartyTown, (see this stack answer)and the script loads, but cannot call "collect" calls, so no analytics. Google can

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Update Set for a column

This is a sample table and I would like to update the column ‘TYPE’ as like the value which is there ‘STOCKIN’ /’STOCKOUT’ for the particular DOCNUM in each row. Sample Table CODE DOCNUM TYPE Z01 NUM12 stockin Z01 NUM12 null Z01 NUM12 null Z01 NUM12 null Z01 NUM134 stockout Z01 NUM134 null Z01 NUM134

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How to get scroll on right side CSS

I am newbie in web desgin and css, and I need to make the scroll of sidebar div on the right side not left side The HTML Direction is from Right to Left I do not want Sidebar on left but only Scroll not Sidebar itself I tried but I cannot get any solution, I

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