October 25, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

I want to solve this question in Python, but I couldn't include all the solutions. I tried hard, but I don't know what the problem is

You are given a string of encrypted text (ciphertext). The encryption algorithm used to create the ciphertext simply shifts all the alphabetic characters in the original (unencrypted) string by the same amount. But you don”t know what this amount is. Write the decipher function that takes the encrypted string as input, and returns the original,

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Free GPL Real Estate Manager Pro

Real Estate Manager is a Responsive Property Listing WordPress Plugin for Full Feature Real Estate websites and Portals. It has nice & clean designs for property templates and it adds special integration features like Property Types, Property Video, Gallery Slider, Advanced AJAX Search, Google Maps with property location markers, Properties Carousel, Grid listing, Front End

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Copy response from Chrome Dev tools network tab

I am working with Typescript React.I want to copy paste a response into my react code as a mock-file.But when I copy from Network tab, the JSON response’s keys are in double quotes.I want to convert this JSON response to a pure JavaScript object so that folding and unfolding works in my vs code. When

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Variadic template class: Allow for float and int arguments cast to float?

I have the following class: template <size_t N, float... Lam> requires (sizeof...(Lam) == N) class Spectrum { public: Spectrum() : wavelengths{ static_cast<float>(Lam)... } { values.fill(0.f); }; template <IsNumeric T> Spectrum(T v) : wavelengths{ static_cast<float>(Lam)... } { values.fill(static_cast<float>(v)); }; template <IsNumeric... T> requires (sizeof...(T) == N) Spectrum(T... v) : wavelengths{ static_cast<float>(Lam)... }, values { static_cast<float>(v)... }

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Inconsistent Order of Results with COLLECT_SET Between Two Databricks Clusters old and new

I’m using Databricks with two different clusters (one from older version and one from new) to run a query that aggregates names, emails, and phone numbers from two data sources using COLLECT_SET. The goal is to combine these values into a single result per location. However, while the actual data is the same, the order

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Get hover effect when hovering on text that is over the image

I am trying to get a hover effect when trying to hover over a text that is on top of my image. You can see in this codesandbox that I am trying to scale my image when the cursor is hovering over it, however, I noticed the hover effect does not take place when the

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How to force gcc to do printf checks on non-literal format strings?

const char* const non_literal_string = "Hello %d"; void my_print() { /* * I would like GCC to throw a warning when compiling this line because the * argument is not of int type. */ printf(non_literal_string, "World!"); //Like it does here printf("Hello %d", "World!"); } Above I have declared non_literal_string as const char* const so neither

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How to make gradient column in a table CSS

I would like to have one column in a table have a blue gradient background from top to bottom. As in extending over multiple rows, ten precisely. Essentially like this one but for a column instead of row: https://codepen.io/warkentien2/pen/JxxXvr <table> <tr> <td></td> <td class = "gradient_column"></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <td></td> <td class = "gradient_column"></td> <td></td>

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How to use SDL2 with .NET MAUI

I am trying to use SDL2 with .NET MAUI. I have tried to build the native libraries using the androidbuildlibs.sh at the buildscriprs directory. it generated libSDL.so for different architectures. and then I added them to libs/ directory in the project and set there build action to AndroidNativeLibrary. when I try to Initialize SDL using:

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How can I stop WooCommerce from loading the Inter font on my product page?

I’m using WooCommerce on my WordPress site, and I noticed that it is loading a large font file called Inter-VariableFont_slnt,wght.woff2. This font file is as large as my entire page and is significantly slowing down the loading speed and blocking my FCP. My theme (Uncode) is already loading all the fonts I need, so I

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