October 25, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

puppeteer nodejs, cant take the value outside of the evaluate scope

I have a puppeteer program, which i get the element of a div, and then process its children. When I try to log

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compound indexing on databases

I am exploring the how indexes work under the hood. After going through some resources what I understood was ordering of indexes do

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How to make font-size relative to parent div?

I have different containers of different sizes and they are all dynamic in size. All containers have text inside them. I want all

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Tippy tooltip not working in server side datatable render function

I am creating an index on posts using Blade and I am having a problem in my code: tippy tooltip is not working

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Updating RecyclerView Data When Database is Updated in Android

I’m working on an Android project where I need to update the RecyclerView data whenever the database is updated. I have two options

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Cannot send email with `symfony/mailer`, but native function `mail` works

I have a server configured with DKIM and the native mail function seems to respect that and sends out emails without a problem.

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problems with C file acces arguments

I’m trying to learn C by making a basic daemon. I’m struggling to understand reading and writing files, since the arguments are correct

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Spring 2.5.5.jar reported as vulnerable with CVE-2010-1622 and we need a patch or support help to resolve this error

In Our Project We are using the Spring version 2.5.5.jar. Spring 2.5.5.jar reported as vulnerable and we need a patch or support help

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Python Protocol using keyword-only arguments requires implementation to have different signature

I’m on python 3.10. Here is the protocol I defined: class OnSubscribeFunc(Protocol): def __call__(self, instrument: str, *, send: Callable[[str], Coroutine]) -> AsyncGenerator: ...

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Free GPL Blog Designer PRO for WordPress

Blog Designer PRO WordPress Plugin Blog Designer is an effective and user friendly way to beautify your blog pages on your websites. It’s

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