October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Parse url query parameters in C glib?

Is it possible to get URL fragment parameters in C under glib ? I’ve got a url like file://localhost/home/me/notepad.txt#line=100,2 What’s the best way

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Level.setBlock() places invisible blocks

I’m trying to create an item that places blocks that are in another hand above the block on which the item is used,

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Enum of dataclass works but frozen attrs doesn't

The built-in enum provides a way to create enums of primitive types (IntEnum, StrEnum). I’d like to create an enum of structured objects.

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Free GPL S2W – Import Shopify to WooCommerce – Migrate Your Store from Shopify to WooCommerce

S2W – Import Shopify to WooCommerce help you to import data from Shopify to WooCommerce easily. With only 2 steps your Shopify store

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How to create a tab where each tab renders a different controller?

I have a tab where the first tab renders the devise controller (edit.html.erb view) and the second one I want to render the

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Deno: Use restricted network domains with Redis

Been having a good time trying out Deno and exploring the security/permissions system. I have a simple web application that connects to redis

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Problem in query that returns information from Oracle customers by site

My query should have only the records that were modified in sysdate SELECT /*********hz_parties******************/ hp.party_id, hp.party_name, hp.jgzz_fiscal_code, To_char(hp.creation_date, 'DD/MM/YYYY'), /*********hz_party_sites******************/ hps.party_site_id, hps.party_site_number, /*********hz_organization_profiles******************/

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Macro that expands to value or empty, based on boolean argument

I’m generating some compile-time code. I need to append a suffix to a generated function name, based on a macro boolean. The suffix

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I tried web scraping on this sites but it won't work

it keeps telling me this :the error page These are the two websites: (https://secure.ethicspoint.com/domain/en/default_reporter.asp) (https://app.convercent.com/en-us/Anonymous/IssueIntake/IdentifyOrganization) I’m attempting to use both static scraping with

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Whats wrong with this unit test?

@OptIn(ExperimentalCoroutinesApi::class) @Test fun `view model test`() = runTest { val employees = EmployeeResponse(listOf()) `when`(employeeRepo.getEmployees()).thenReturn(employees) `when`(employeeMapper.mapToState(anyList())).thenReturn(emptyList()) val testDispatcher = StandardTestDispatcher(testScheduler) Dispatchers.setMain(testDispatcher) viewModel = EmployeeViewModel(employeeRepo,

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