October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

File uploader works on computer but not mobile

I have coded into my website a file uploader and it works perfectly when used on the computer and a file is uploaded.

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Uploade photo via Expo to Firebase storage (Firebase JS SDK) not working (blob conversion)

I’m not sure what else to try and need some help with uploading a photo taken with expo-camera on a physical Android device

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Connect PHP to Microsoft SQL Server

I want to connect my domain website to an Microsoft SQL Server. I have done this before and it worked well. Im trying

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Difference between Microsoft compiler and GNU compiler, in terms of output executable file size

Suppose I have the following program: #include <stdio.h> int main() { printf("This is a sample C program.\n"); return 0; } If I compile

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Kafka Streams and CompletableFuture (or asynch java api)

I am studing Apache Kafka Stream SPI. I am wondering is there are a way to execute asynch code inside of mapValues method.

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Can I do 3d slicing in 2 array together

I want to slice in numpy 2 array together but I can’t I I had tried to slice both array together but I

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Free GPL Share-one-Drive | OneDrive & SharePoint plugin for WordPress

✱ Say hello to the most popular WordPress OneDrive & SharePoint plugin! Share-one-Drive is a user-friendly, highly customizable, innovative OneDrive & SharePoint plugin

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Any way to capture the deleted text in a tracked change using the Word.js API?

The Word.TrackedChange.Text property seems to return an empty string when the tracked change is a deletion. Is there any way to get the

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how can i convert this qml.webengine app to html 5

https://imgur.com/a/5ncaedR This is a simple little app that just loads webviews for each goggle app Created in qml using qt.webengine, but getting errors

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Since your App has not been integrated with HMS yet

I’ve implemented Huawei DRM and added key fingerprints,while my app "cannot be used or displayed on the HMS": Notes: Since your App has

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