October 24, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Extruding a 2D PNG into a 3D Mesh in BabylonJS

In BabylonJS, I’m attempting to extrude a 2d png image to a 3d mesh, whilst I’ve considered obtaining the contours/outline of the image

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Why does my mobile form require scrolling despite enough screen space?

I wrote a fullstack application with React frontend. I use daisyUI and tailwind for CSS. My application is deployed and accessible under https://cashflash.app

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Bitmapped file data displays incorrectly

I have a BMP image file of the moon graphic from the original Space Invaders arcade game. I’m displaying this on a 240×320

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I keep having issues with importing font families to css

I am making a clicker game and I’m trying to change the font of the text by importing a font family from my

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how to create android layout like image?

[! android layout]1 Dear All, I am newer in Android. I am doing android application. I have tried many options. but layout didn’t

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Trying to automate URL inspection in google but cannot get past authentication

Google isn’t clear to me on how I can login to the google search console API. I’m using PHP and CURL. I passed

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Why ThreadX's entry function use ULONG as entry input instead of a void*?

UINT tx_thread_create(TX_THREAD *thread_ptr, CHAR *name_ptr, VOID (*entry_function)(ULONG), ULONG entry_input, VOID *stack_start, ULONG stack_size, UINT priority, UINT preempt_threshold, ULONG time_slice, UINT auto_start) Documentation: If

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How do I resolve ClassNotFoundException?

I am trying to generate a print preview with jasper reports 7.0 in Netbeans, and i am using JDK 19. I have some

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Node position attribute in yFiles for Jupyter

I’m working with the yfiles_jupyter_graphs package in a Jupyter notebook to visualize a graph created with NetworkX. I want to achieve two things:

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Free GPL WordPressomatic WordPress To WordPress Automatic Crossposter Plugin for WordPress

Auto post from/to other WordPress installs with ease What Can You Do With This Plugin? WordPressomatic WordPress To WordPress Automatic Crossposter is a

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