October 22, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Vega-Lite: Add custom inline CSS for each mark item

In my React app, I would like to render an SVG-based chart with Vega-Lite where each mark can be customized to get its

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PAM pam_prompt function returning conversation failed error if called from pam_sm_open_session

I am trying to create a custom PAM module, where I check amount of sessions a user has and if the user has

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Todolist: Remove dynamically added divs

I have a kind of todolist, in which I add elements when clicking on the ‘add’ button. There are two default lines. The

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How to optimize LCP in React + Webpack 5

I’m woking on a React (v18) project in a Microfrontend architecture with Single-SPA and Wepack 5. I’m running Lighthouse on localhost and I

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Run connectedAndroidTests without re-installing APK

I have several instrumentation tests that I want to run as part of a build pipeline. I’m assembling and installing the APK on

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regex to remove all whitespaces except between brackets

How do i prevent preg_replace() altering the content of () in following JavaScript-Snippet: myVar.replace(/\u00AD/g, ''); This is my PHP function (I am not

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STM32 FDCAN filters not filtering anything

The problem I am unable to get the HAL CAN filters to filter anything. I have FDCAN working perfectly on my STM32H723VGT6 uController.

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Does LibGDX support Primitive Restarts for Triangle Fans in Mesh Indices?

OpenGL supports the ability to start a new Triangle Strip in an index array by inserting two duplicate indices, (what they call a

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can someone help me figure out what is wrong with my code?

import os import zipfile import pandas as pd Function to find ZIP files with the relevant keywords (VTE, CLI, ART) def find_zip_files(month_folder_path): zip_files

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Pending promise stored as property in object array, do not know how to access to fulfill

I’m trying to fill an array of objects with specific property values and am using Promises with async/await with Javascript in a Node.JS

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