October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

How to remove styling if the heght of the screen less than the element height

I have centered the element by the height of the screen using absolute positioning. However, when the height of the screen is less

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onMessage not triggering on Android (working fine on iOS)

I’m implementing a web scraper in my managed Expo app, which requires injecting JavaScript to capture certain elements. Below is a snapshot of

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Compare two meta key values with between value

Records in CPT are as follow Name Size From Size To Demo 1 900 6000 Demo 2 5000 6000 Demo 3 7500 12000

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How do you get a directory listing in C?

How do you scan a directory for folders and files in C? It needs to be cross-platform. You need to sign in to

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Type inference error when generic class constructor builds an instance of another generic class with bounded type

When type parameter is bounded (T extends Comparable<? super T>), I encounter a type inference problem using <> to let the compiler infer

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how to convert string datetime representation to datetime field in pandas?

I have a csv , with text data (sample below) . id | name | date 123 | abc | 2024-08-05T21:00:26:074Z 456 |

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prevent from consuming touch and scroll event on VictoryChart in React

when using this code in web browser and web app, cannot scroll on VictoryChart component it consumes all event and so scroll not

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CAdES signature attribute signing-time – why is it required?

ETSI EN 319 122-1 V1.3.1 (2023-06) requires signing-time attribute to be always present in all CAdES levels (CAdES-B-B, CAdES-B-T, CAdES-B-LT and CAdES-B-LTA). Does

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How to create type T and value of type T template with default type T?

As question says. I’d like to create a template, e.g. of class, that takes in typename T and T val as parameters, in

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Security with microservices, Spring boot

hope you are doing well. I am learning about microservices using Spring Boot, and currently, I’m investigating security in microservices with JWT tokens.

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