October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Switch component is not working after switching from Checkbox

I was using Ant Design Checkbox earlier to check and publish the comments and it was working fine with no errors. <Checkbox key={record.id}

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How to customize the well-known endpoint in Spring Authorization Server?

I’m using Spring Authorization Server v3.3.1. My current well-known endpoint is <hostname>/.well-known/openid-configuration and this returns the standard OpenId configuration. I want to remove

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Not receiving gps data from PT06 gps tracker device

I am trying to connect with PT06 gps device (https://pictortelematics.com/products/bike-gps-tracker/pt06-gps-tracker) using socket through python. I am able to make an successful GPRS connection

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Dockerizing PHP (Smarty) and SQLite3 Project

I’m trying to Dockerize my PHP (Smarty) and SQLite3 website but am encountering issues with my Dockerfile and Docker Compose configuration. Here’s a

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Is there way to convert a 38 digit number into a String of length 18 to 20 without any special character?

I have an Use case where i need to encode 38 digit number into a string of length 18 to 20. Iam using

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What is the `𝜋thon` executable?

On Ubuntu or other Linux-based systems, Python 3.14’s venv creates an extra executable named 𝜋thon: $ python --version Python 3.13.0 $ python -m

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expanded collapsible banner ads disapear slowly when change detination of navigation

I have page1 and page2. page2 has a collapsible banner ad. page1 navigate to page2. Then the collapsible banner ad show of page2.

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fast algorithm for drawing filled circles?

I am using Bresenham’s circle algorithm for fast circle drawing. However, I also want to (at the request of the user) draw a

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Knowing all the cucumber tags related to a set of test cases before running them in Java

I am working on a test project in Java using Cucumber and JUnit5. I am running both API and UI test cases for

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Can someone suggest some college project ideas for Computer Science

I’m a Bsc. Computer Science student and I’m trying to create a project solo. I’ve been getting rejections and now I don’t have

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