October 23, 2024
Chicago 12, Melborne City, USA

Android webview file upload only works once if aborted

Scenario I have an Android app with a WebView. The WebView is displaying a web page with a simple file upload control. The

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Does malloc assign memory in the same location if you use the same variable name again on every iteration of a loop?

I am writing code to take in a weighted adjacency list in c. Each edge is stored in the form of a struct.

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Postgres drop type XX000 “cache lookup failed for type”

I’m using Quarkus and Hibernate to work with PostgreSQL/PostGIS. I have an entity Geofence that contains a Polygon field. The issue occurs when

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rolling sum with right-closed interval in duckdb

In Polars / pandas I can do a rolling sum where row each row the window is (row - 10 minutes, row]. For

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Regex that detects if the key has a missing character

const placeholders = { "Luke": "{{candidate_first_name}}", "xxx@gmail.com": "{{candidate_email}}", } const text = <div>Hi&nbsp; Luke ,</div><div><strong>Email: </strong>xxx@gmail.com</div> export default function removeTextPlaceholders( text: string, placeholders:

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How to flatten a json array string in Redshift

I have a table like this: id stage(varchar) 1 ["a","b"] 2 ["c"] and I need to retrieve the data as the following format:

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Why don't flex items shrink past content size?

The following input shrink with the browser window, but at some point they stop shrinking and the horizontal scroll bar appears. I feel

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Flutter serial connection for hc05 bluetooth module?

I want to build a bluetooth app that connect to ardunio with hc05 bluetooth module. I added some packages for bluetooth from pub.dev

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Read a file with unknown number of lines in C using fscanf

I tried to search for the answer here and elsewhere on the Internet, but didn’t get exactly what I am looking for. I

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Why one to many data not go to backend?

I currently creating supplier form that we can add supplier and assign him to different brand and categories.that mean supplier related with one

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